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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Sprint-T-Mobile should not divest any BRS/EBS spectrum. Rather, it should agree to sell wholesale TD-LTE access to all comers. VZ and AT&T have held dominant positions in special access lines for decades. It would only be fair for Sprint-T-Mobile to gain the upper hand in wholesale LTE capacity. Tit for tat. AJ
  2. I would like to see several actual examples of members "ripping on people who switch from Sprint." If anything, we encourage unhappy Sprint subs to go try other pastures and see if they truly are greener -- because, quite frankly, their complaints here are unproductive and annoying. Now, we would love to have them stick around S4GRU if they actually care about the technology and progress of Network Vision. But at the core, most of them just care about results. And they cannot stay if they are going to post about how awful Sprint is and how great T-Mobile is by comparison. That is just spreading magenta propaganda on a Sprint focused site. S4GRU is not going to allow that and ruin itself like SprintUsers has done. AJ
  3. As far as we know, no iPhone HD Voice on Sprint -- only on T-Mobile, possibly AT&T, too. AJ
  4. Network Vision is the infrastructure deployment. It is not a service plan nor a PRL, both of which define roaming permissions. AJ
  5. Quarterly subscriber losses do not necessarily worry investors if, for example, ARPU is rising and/or costs are falling faster than subs are churning. AJ
  6. Performance must be due to the highly RF transparent wood backplate. AJ
  7. Both did answer your question. You just did not understand them. Read up on PLMNs aka MCC-MNCs. Those are how 3GPP networks are identified. AJ
  8. See if you can find this dopey looking Walmart Family Mobile (i.e. magenta) family -- that is if you would actually want them in your Framily. AJ
  9. I am not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean, but I probably do not care either. AJ
  10. No, the higher population density living in caves is North Korea. AJ
  11. The better question is this: why should you care? Do you think magenta subs care that "uncarrier" is a financially unsustainable ploy to sell off T-Mobile USA? No, they just live in the now and enjoy their cut rate deals. In the end, the more malcontents and data abusers who leave Sprint, the better the network gets because of less congestion. So, unless Sprint quarterly losses make your e-penis smaller and smaller, do not worry about it. AJ
  12. Blah, blah, blah. Poor examples. The Korean handsets, too, will be single radio, hence non SVDO, non SVLTE, since they will be 3GPP only. Regardless, those factors are not relevant to carrier aggregation. AJ
  13. All deployed carriers on a site running at full throttle capacity never happens in real world operations. So, scratch that concern. Also,voice is not converted to 64 kbps PCM until the MSC, if even then. Otherwise, the fidelity gains with EVRC-NW HD Voice are wiped out. AJ
  14. Well, before I would fully believe that, I would want more info. Most sites are either two or three sector. To be truly "facing away from Sugar Grove," the site would need to be single sector. And that would be odd. AJ
  15. You misunderstand Phase 2 of Cellular 850 MHz licensing. Cellular Unserved Area applies only to the affected Celluar 850 MHz license, not to other spectrum licenses. If Sprint were to take on this project, it would use its own PCS 1900 MHz and/or SMR 800 MHz spectrum licenses. USCC's and VZW's licenses would remain unchanged. AJ
  16. The issue is not really PCS 1900 MHz. The issue is the mountain that is between the I-81 corridor and Sugar Grove. Even USCC and VZW Cellular 850 MHz sites along the Interstate do nothing for Sugar Grove because of the geographic obstacle in the way. So, the best solution would probably be for USCC or VZW to locate a Cellular 850 MHz new site near Sugar Grove on that side of the mountain. Handoff back to the Marion side would then occur at the top of the mountain. Sprint might be able to accomplish the same with PCS 1900 MHz, but it would be more tenuous in that terrain. SMR 800 MHz would be much better, but it would need to be deployed on both sides of the mountain. Otherwise, the inter frequency hard handoff would be a really difficult one. AJ
  17. Honestly, you are being dense. Put two and two together. Auction 96 is the H block. You have the wrong date. It is not as if the FCC runs auctions every week. And they are not completed as quickly as you may think. AJ
  18. I thought it was clear that you were asking about the PCS/AWS-2 H block. AJ
  19. FCC Auction 96 does not start until this Wednesday 1/22. It could go quickly, or it could run for several days, even weeks. If members would like to follow the rounds of bidding, I can show everyone how. AJ
  20. The two Cellular 850 MHz licensees of record for that portion of CMA682 that includes Sugar Grove are USCC and VZW. But neither network actually serves Sugar Grove. Since Cellular 850 MHz licensing is geographic area based, Sugar Grove should be what is classified as Cellular Unserved Area. This means that any qualified party can file an application with the FCC to provide service to that area. If granted, then USCC and/or VZW permanently lose right to the affected Cellular 850 MHz spectrum in that unserved area, and the qualified party is then able to use that spectrum to serve the area. AJ
  21. The discount applies only to the costs of the 3 GB and "unlimited" data allowance options. AJ
  22. The installed base is not what you think. Almost no OEMs enable the necessary hardware and software for Rev B. It very rarely shows up in FCC OET authorizations. AJ
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