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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Think of it like this. LTE knows about W-CDMA and EV-DO -- because LTE was developed later. W-CDMA and EV-DO do not know about LTE -- because they could not predict the future. AJ
  2. And, to be clear, I am not being an apologist for this Sharp Aquos Crystal handset and its specs. It does not entice me -- unless it has some heretofore unknown killer engineering screens. But even so called hard core users need to be more philosophical about specs and benchmarks. Have we already passed that inflection point for at least the next few years? AJ
  3. This is S4GRU. Who/what are these women of which you speak? AJ
  4. A 1:1 ratio, eh? Well, to paraphrase Jack Handey, "If Jesus dwells inside us like some people say, I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting." AJ
  5. Specs wise, though, how much do we really need? And how much is "specsmanship" that arouses the e-penis, sells handsets, but provides little useful gain? For example, on a smartphone, can you really tell the difference between a 720p screen and a 1080p screen? Along those same lines, what if the 720p screen is new Sharp IGZO technology with greater contrast, better color fidelity, and lower power consumption? Then, which is preferable -- 720p or 1080p? AJ
  6. If you wait five minutes, I am about to go take a leak. AJ
  7. Holy Trinity, tri band, need I say more? Amen. AJ
  8. No, you are confusing chipsets. The MSM8974 is a Snapdragon 800 used in the likes of the LG G2, Nexus 5, etc. The Sharp Aquos Crystal incorporates the MSM8926. It is a Snapdragon 400, but it is newer, not available until the end of last year. Lastly, this handset is being released in Japan with those specs. At least in the past, everyone has drooled over Japanese handsets. So, which is it? This handset is good enough for Japan, thus good enough for the US. Or Japanese handsets are not always that amazing after all? AJ
  9. You are welcome. Since I have been named technical editor, I may not write as many handset articles as in the past. But my responsibilities include overseeing all articles, and I will see fit that they include certain core info, such as ERP/EIRP, if available. AJ
  10. No way! We had no idea! http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6314-softbank-news-the-sharp-aquos-crystal-is-stunning-and-us-bound/ http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-372-teaser-that-aquos-crystal-is-sharp-take-the-edge-off/ AJ
  11. The Aquos Crystal larger model is reportedly not slated for release in Japan until December. So, I would not rule out a Sprint variant late this year, early next year. AJ
  12. See The Wall: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-372-teaser-that-aquos-crystal-is-sharp-take-the-edge-off/ AJ
  13. Staff has edited the opening post. Please do not copy and paste full articles from other sites -- especially without quotation marks or a quote box. At best, that is rude. At worst, it is stealing content. AJ
  14. At a minimum, LTE requires 2x2 MIMO on the downlink. Anyone who says otherwise spreads FUD or knows not what he is a talking about. So, Sprint's LTE MIMO is the same as AT&T's LTE MIMO and VZW's LTE MIMO. AJ
  15. Nationwide is on your side. Or is it? That word has such amorphous meaning. AJ
  16. Wake me when that "switch" finally gets flipped. But I might have already died of old age. AJ
  17. Your situation and interest are device specific, as are priority and timer settings. Generalizations do not apply. AJ
  18. Huh? What nationwide switch are you talking about? AJ
  19. This topic does not warrant its own thread. Please do not start a new thread without careful consideration. Expect this discussion to be merged into the Nexus 5 thread, as that is where it belongs. AJ
  20. For the right price, so can I. But people want easy, free answers. The price isn't right, Bob. AJ
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