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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Phase 1: Collect spectrum. Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit. AJ
  2. Irrelevant -- because it is impossible. BRS/EBS is unpaired. AJ
  3. My basic summary of the winning bidders... Dish -- via its Designated Entities, Northstar Wireless and SNR Wireless -- won the AWS-3 auction. AT&T came in second. VZW and T-Mobile mainly picked up a few spare pieces here and there. http://www.fcc.gov/document/auction-97-aws-3-winning-bidders AJ
  4. If it is a Virgin Mobile device that has already been activated at least once before, then it is not really a virgin mobile device -- if you know what I mean. AJ
  5. "I'm just here so I won't get fined." "And I'm just here because of my behind." AJ
  6. He would not fit the artificially crafted T-Mobile image. Russell Wilson is too "vanilla" -- pun intended or not. AJ
  7. For the weather, wrong mythological creature. Yeti or abominable snowman. AJ
  8. Beamforming works great for satellite broadcast downlink areas that may be hundreds of miles apart. But, tell me, how does beamforming work on the uplink for terrestrial transmitters that are only miles apart, if that? In such case, the angle of incidence upon the relatively minuscule satellite is almost exactly the same for all uplink transmissions. AJ
  9. If you want some good chuckles, just read the comments at TmoNews. Many, many Magentans find the association with Richard Sherman and Kim Kardashian off putting. Even among the faithful, the over the top T-Mobile shtick is starting to wear thin. http://www.tmonews.com/2015/01/t-mobile-kim-kardashian-west-team-up-for-selfie-centric-data-stash-ad/ AJ
  10. Two words: cheap labor. That is the free market's dirty but not so little secret. Many workers feel under appreciated, thus feel little incentive to invest themselves in their work. For them, it is just a paycheck. AJ
  11. Yeah, but to sweeten the deal, Grain Management also threw in a bitchin' disc tiller. AJ
  12. You may be confusing Cincinnati with Dayton. The referenced application shows no transfer nor lease of AWS spectrum to T-Mobile in Cincinnati, only PCS spectrum. The AWS spectrum is in Dayton. The only prospect for an AWS gain in Cincinnati is if VZW uses the leased AWS A block to relocate its operations from the AWS F block, then flips the latter to T-Mobile in a subsequent transaction. Anyway, where did you find this FCC application? We know that you did not find it on your own. Did someone at HowardForums or elsewhere point it out to you? AJ
  13. One of my favorite anecdotes is the story of a customer about 10 years ago at a Cingular store asking, "Hey, when are you guys gonna put up more satellites?" Many customers and even industry workers have little understanding of how wireless networks actually function. And they lack the innate curiosity or intellectual wherewithal to learn. To them, wireless is basically black magic. AJ
  14. Wait, did you go "down" to Santa Fe from Albuquerque? Or are you in Los Alamos now? I surely hope the latter, not the former. Otherwise, you took the wrong way around the entire planet -- and somehow still gained elevation. As a personal anecdote, I grew up in a small town south of Kansas City. I had a friend who talked about going "down" to Kansas City. It bothered me. AJ
  15. Remember, I am a geographer. I know the original meaning of "Third World." In fact, it came up in conversation with my girlfriend recently, and I defined the Cold War nation categorization you describe above. But many years later, that "Third World" definition has been deprecated. The lowercase "third world" has taken precedence. It now means a "developing country" -- if you want a politically correct term. Or a "banana republic" -- if, like me, you do not mind poking a little fun at a country in the tropics that has a few developed cities, an undeveloped countryside, a huge wealth/poverty disparity, and a massive crime/corruption problem. Mexico qualifies. Any comparisons to the US are specious. AJ
  16. Okay, get laid off. Get depressed. Try to kill yourself via carbon monoxide asphyxiation in your car inside your garage. Change your mind. Pull out of the garage and immediately get broadsided by a drunk driver. Get a big cash settlement. Maybe that will inspire you to make a game... AJ
  17. That a third world country has so much vacant spectrum it can pick and swap among various bands is not my concern. I simply do not care. Neal can be the international guy. But what the rest of the world does in spectrum policy has essentially no bearing on what the US does. AJ
  18. Yeah, I like my models made from humans. They are better than those Japanese robot women. AJ
  19. Sorry, maximus, that is not my concern. Plus, I have reached my 20 question quota with you this month. AJ
  20. Come on, Neal. AT&T is more interested in serving its own interests than in screwing with Sprint. If AT&T is smart, it goes band 26. AT&T already has band 5 LTE deployed in many locations in the US. Using MFBI, that band 5 can also be band 26. And that would go a long way toward AT&T economy of scale -- both in handsets and infrastructure -- between the US and Mexico. AJ
  21. You should call Mr. Plow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OElW2BrB6So AJ
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