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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Posted specifications are never in error. AJ
  2. Hooray, the supply chain problems are solved. At least temporarily. For one storage size variant. Three months later. In February. Maybe the Nexus 6 is so ridiculously large that each one has to be delivered by Caesarean section. AJ
  3. You will buy the LG G Flex 2... You will buy the LG G Flex 2... AJ
  4. No, no, no, Robert, the visible difference between the M7 and M8 is huge. It is like the massive difference between the upright and reclined positions on an airliner coach seat. Upright, uncomfortable. Reclined, comfortable. Upright during landing, live. Reclined during landing, die. AJ
  5. How do you know that those were "local promotions" and not national advertising purchases? For example, T-Mobile nationally advertises its nifty services in many places where it has only GSM, roaming coverage, or nothing. Either way, this is a Swiftel issue. It is in a back burner part of the country, and there is not a lot that Sprint can do about it right now. AJ
  6. Tell Joe Arpaio that his radios are being incarcerated, then deported. AJ
  7. The iTunes activation server system adds a whole new wrinkle that is not present with the other mobile OS devices. AJ
  8. Read the entire thread. The start date this month is for devices released after that date. No current Samsung Galaxy devices qualify. AJ
  9. I am sorry to be a stickler curmudgeon, but can we explain more accurately than "ping"? AJ
  10. I thought you more of a Kylie Minogue guy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFx3WX4DES0 AJ
  11. Having run this web site for the past three years, as well as being involved in wireless discussion elsewhere, S4GRU staff members have pretty well informed opinions -- based on facts -- about what matters to most or few people. AJ
  12. Your Nexus 5 indicates otherwise. Regardless, do you have eyes? You cannot spot new 700 MHz antenna panels? AJ
  13. Well, you are in Muskegon, only about 40 miles from Grand Rapids. Why not just make the short drive down and check it out yourself? Right, maximus? AJ
  14. No. You do not really know what you are talking about. Almost any recent LTE handset can support VoLTE. Device capability is not the issue. Network capability is the issue -- and that is by choice. Sprint is wisely holding off on VoLTE for at least two reasons: Where Sprint has CDMA1X 800, it now has arguably the most robust, highest quality circuit switched network in the US. RootMetrics test results on voice and SMS reliability bear that out. VoLTE is not yet reliable. It is causing an increase in dropped calls on VZW and T-Mobile, and anecdotally, many users are being instructed to turn off VoLTE. Simultaneous voice and data matter to few people. But those few people tend to complain the loudest. If you must have simultaneous voice and data, VoLTE is an option on VZW -- but see the aforementioned caveat. Otherwise, your best bet is to get an SVLTE handset on VZW or turn off VoLTE and use e/CSFB on AT&T or T-Mobile. In the end, if you are that dissatisfied with Sprint, please take your patronage elsewhere -- away from Sprint, away from S4GRU. AJ
  15. Keep in mind that RRPP participation and commitment will come in different levels. Sprint may help finance the RRPP overlay buildout for many members. Either way, RRPP members still stand to gain roaming revenue. And that is why some have signed on to both RRPP and LiRA -- more roaming revenue for them. AJ
  16. As long as Carolina West Wireless is indeed in both the RRPP and LiRA programs, it will have separate LTE deployments. Sprint users will not have access to the VZW LiRA band 13 network. Regardless, almost no Sprint devices support band 13. The joint membership in both the RRPP and LiRA programs is not a cause for concern. For example, Pioneer Wireless in Oklahoma has been in the LiRA program for several years, then also added RRPP last year. AJ
  17. I prefer "Tales of Ribaldry." https://screen.yahoo.com/tales-ribaldry-lusty-woodsman-000000120.html AJ
  18. You cannot make such a sweeping generalization. Some are using their EBS spectrum -- or, before that, their ITFS/MMDS spectrum. Others are leasing it. Either way, the FCC has long since signed off on the permissibility of leasing. AJ
  19. Here is an article on the audio/video encoding behind Sling TV: http://www.cuttingcords.com/home/2015/2/9/sling-tv-technical-details Color me unimpressed. AJ
  20. No. The only realistic way to consider FDD via band 7 would be to wad up the entire BRS/EBS band like a paper ball and start over. That would not be a reverse auction; it would be eminent domain. Well, VHF/UHF TV broadcasters were given spectrum for free. Cellular 850 MHz licensees were given spectrum for free. It happens -- because it serves the public interest. The same holds true for EBS. AJ
  21. I would hope that at least one of the two sites is located on a fat cottonwood tree. AJ
  22. Ryan exactly echoes my thoughts. Somebody, start and maintain the @LegereScreencap Twitter account. Hold him accountable -- pun intended. Many of us have observed this from the beginning, and it is proving more and more true. John Legere is a snake oil salesman. His words are ever malleable or deletable. Evidence shows that even some Magentans are growing weary of this act. Legere's proverbial 15 minutes of fame are nearing the 13:59 mark. And what lies on the other side for John? The Kardashians -- again, pun intended. AJ
  23. I was mostly being facetious. But the Canada Goose, Bain Capital, Mitt Romney, and Boston correlation is interesting. AJ
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