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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Interesting. The last time anything ever rolled out first in Poland was 1939. AJ
  2. E-penis network fanboys on all sides get so worked up, if you build it, they will come -- but "come" may need to be spelled differently. AJ
  3. Oh my god, the "loose" virus is evolving, changing shape, inversely affecting people now. World War L may be upon us... AJ
  4. …except when you are a Baby Bell stamping your feet in protest over government intrusion in this vigorously competitive market. AJ
  5. Adding VoLTE to a handset is not quite as simple as a willy nilly firmware update. Yes, from a technical standpoint, a firmware update is all that is needed, since recent Qualcomm chipsets readily support VoLTE. But also keep in mind the regulatory standpoint. Many think of VoLTE as just a type of LTE data. While that is technically true, VoLTE is also a first party voice service. Now, the FCC presently regulates data as an information service, but it regulates voice as a telecommunications service. The latter comes with greater regulatory scrutiny, such as compatibility with hearing impairment assistance devices. That requires additional lab testing submitted in the FCC OET filing. So, if VoLTE is not enabled on the handset when it is initially tested, then it must go back for a second round of lab testing, followed by a Class II Permissive Change filing with the FCC OET -- all before VoLTE support is sent out in a firmware update. That requires time from the testing lab and money from the OEM or wireless operator. In some cases, the added outlay may not be worth it. This is important info that may clear up some misconceptions that many hold about VoLTE. It is a shame to bury it in a little seen Samsung Galaxy Note 4 thread. We may need to repost this in a more prominent placement. AJ
  6. This experience just supports my axiom: avoid handset firmware version updates. One step forward is often accompanied by two steps back. AJ
  7. The APK is already posted in this thread. But it does not work on the Nexus 6 running Lollipop. It quite possibly is a Dalvik/ART incompatibility issue. AJ
  8. The United Colors of Benetton. And that would pretty much fit the Legere/Magentan hipster demographic. AJ
  9. In sports and entertainment, having unsatisfied demand is not always a bad thing. For example, take Allen Fieldhouse at the University of Kansas. By consensus, it is the best arena in college basketball. At 16,300, it is not small. But it is always sold out. Demand outstrips supply so much that the university could build a new 25,000 seat arena and fill it for many games -- but not all games. The loss with a larger new arena would be not only history and atmosphere but also pent up demand. I think it just a shame what the South Side of Chicago did to Comiskey Park first, Soldier Field second. But, hey, maybe the North Side will join in and screw things up, too, with the gentrification of Wrigley Field. AJ
  10. Other than a token Super Bowl appearance, the Bears have been bad basically since they installed that spaceship abomination inside the carcass of Soldier Field. Hmm, coincidence? I do not know what the city, the team, and the architects were thinking. AJ
  11. You know what I mean, Ryan. The stadium where the Rams will be playing in Southern California in the next 3-4 years. Los Angeles giveth, and Los Angeles taketh away. The chances of the Rams staying in St. Louis are slim to none. Sorry... AJ
  12. Sing the praises, Dino! Viaero-oh-oh. Nebraska-oh-oh-oh-oh. AJ
  13. Why is all of this Sling TV discussion taking up the T-Mobile network thread? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6808-sling-tv/ AJ
  14. Welcome to the Penthouse Letters section of S4GRU. Who knew that wireless could be so primal and sensual? AJ
  15. Only the good die young. So, you must have been good. AJ
  16. But what if it is a short yet really fat pipe? You know, hung like a can of tuna. Kind of like Sprint BRS/EBS. AJ
  17. Just Pahrump RadioShack & Brothel then? "Welcome to Sprint, sir. Can I interest you in a Samsung Galaxy S5 and an hour with Desiree?" AJ
  18. Is that the Pahrump RadioShack, Liquor & Brothel? Now, that could be a fun Sprint Store. AJ
  19. Speaking of rebranding from another thread, I call not for a return to Sprint PCS -- though I still love that brand -- but instead to Sprint PCS/SMR/BRS/EBS. It has a nice ring to it. AJ
  20. I am going to violate my own rule of not quoting lengthy posts in full. But Robert's entire post deserves to be repeated. It also should be disseminated well beyond this RadioShack thread. AJ
  21. No. A 5 MHz FDD carrier requires at least 4.5 MHz FDD. AJ
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