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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. The thread title "What's the point…?" is inappropriate. It is a question already loaded with negative meaning toward Sprint. Staff will be changing the thread title to something more neutral. AJ
  2. Woo hoo -- if you are a T-Mobile LTE user. But a big "screw you" from T-Mobile -- if you are a W-CDMA user. AJ
  3. See Arysyn's data usage poll here at S4GRU: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6992-s4gru-members-average-monthly-data-usage-with-poll/?mode=show The results show that the lower two thirds are consuming just one fourth of total data usage. The upper one third is the problem, consuming three fourths of total data usage. The upper one third consists of the significantly above average users and outright abusers. They should be put on appropriately priced tiered data, on exceedingly expensive "unlimited" data, or yes, out on the street. Where else are they gonna go? They may find themselves with no options and have to alter their behaviors. AJ
  4. I did not know that AT&T allowed "unlimited" data subs to make AT&T their "bitch." That is surprising, especially considering it is AT&T. I guess VZW knows how to do it, and AT&T does not. Oh well, that is AT&T's problem. AJ
  5. That percentage seems almost impossibly high -- 40 million people are not paying subsidized plan prices and full freight $700 for their iPhones. Are you sure that statistic did not come from Collette Reardon? AJ
  6. Yes, but my understanding is that the University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology became well regarded science and engineering schools in large part because of the local presence of Kodak, Xerox, etc. With those companies fading, will the schools continue to thrive? Or will they take hits -- funding, reputation, enrollment -- and start to decline, too? I think that Rochester may be remembered as a 20th century boomtown. But sooner or later, the gold runs out. For Rochester, it was George Eastman who yelled "Eureka!" And it is the gold colored boxes of film that have run out. For wireless relevance, Rochester is forever frozen in time at the FCC as CMA034 -- the 34th largest Cellular Market Area at the time of the 1980 Census. Now, almost no one thinks of the Rochester metro area as that prominent. Indeed, if current figures were used, Rochester would be 51st. AJ
  7. If anything, Rochester was not a Rust Belt city -- or it was an anomaly in the Rust Belt region. For many years, Rochester was something of a Silicon Valley of the Northeast -- with an emphasis on imaging technology. Headquartered in Rochester, Eastman Kodak and Xerox were world leading giants in their fields, but both failed to keep up with technology and have fallen on hard times. Rochester has severely felt their pain. AJ
  8. No, not likely. This thread contains over 5000 posts. For search engine indexing purposes, the title needs to remain -- it has persisted too long to change now. I agree that this has become something of an omnibus thread, but that is okay. And we can live with the title. So, other moderators, hear me loud and clear. Do not change the title. AJ
  9. Good. Bring the hammer down, and let us finally get rid of unsustainable "unlimited" data. Users will have to choose their appropriate data tiers and pay accordingly. AJ
  10. No, it is not a "false rumor" any more than the response from an anonymous source "familiar with Comcast's thinking" could be a false rumor. That is a weak source. For all we know, it could be Charlie Ergen, who probably claims to be familiar with Comcast's thinking. Arysyn, you personally do not want Comcast to take over T-Mobile, and you are letting that bias color your thinking. AJ
  11. To be clear, since you quoted my post, I was referring not to T-Mobile users but to TmoNews users. Some T-Mobile users -- especially over at T4GRU and partly at FierceWireless -- are reasonably to highly astute technical commenters. But you do not see those guys much at TmoNews any longer. Maybe the departure of David, hiring of Cam, and PhoneDog influence left a bad taste in their mouths, too. So, the people left behind at TmoNews are the hoi polloi who just love them some T-Mobile. But they do not have much new information or solid analysis to add. AJ
  12. Whoever informed you was wrong. Cape Charles, VA is in the Norfolk market. See the map: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/621-network-vision-site-map-dc-baltimore-delaware-richmond-norfolk-southern-virginia-markets/ AJ
  13. You sound like you have a healthy attitude about the situation. S4GRU's stance has always been that Sprint may not meet everyone's needs, and Sprint has no obligation to meet anyone's needs. We routinely encourage posters to explore other providers -- if appropriate. That said, I am disappointed a major research university community like Penn State could be without Sprint LTE at this date. And, sheesh, how the shoe is on the other foot about eight years later. Circa 2007, I posted a clever thread at HowardForums on what I called something along the lines of the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) of wireless. In a series of posts, I logged native or roaming coverage and level of service at all universities in the Pac-10, Big 12, Big Ten, SEC, and ACC. As I recall, Sprint came out on top, since Sprint had native coverage at every school -- and what was then state of the art EV-DO at most of them. VZW was somewhere in the middle, as this was prior to the VZW-Alltel merger, so VZW still had roaming at a number of schools. Meanwhile, AT&T and T-Mobile were weak. AT&T was still lagging well behind in its W-CDMA deployment. And T-Mobile, well, it was bad. T-Mobile may have had more covered schools than AT&T, but T-Mobile had yet to launch any of its new AWS based W-CDMA. So, any coverage was either GSM or roaming. Keep in mind that Sprint in State College holds no licensed BRS spectrum, only leased EBS spectrum. So, that makes the WiMAX shutdown situation more tenuous. The educational/religious organization lesser is the actual licensee that is subject to buildout requirements and license renewal. Sprint is just the lessee and could walk away. AJ
  14. If you are referring to Cape Charles, VA, that is in Sprint's Norfolk market, and you already posted in that thread. It is not necessary to post this twice in two market threads -- unless your network experience crossed Sprint market boundaries. Additionally, signal bars are a simple but poor indicator. You have an iPhone, so you are largely stuck with the signal bars, unfortunately. If you had an Android handset and were running SignalCheck Pro, then we could have gotten some screenshots and attempted some diagnostics. No matter. What is done is done. I am not familiar with the network in the area, but that level of service -- the audio quality, the blocked calls -- sounds like a device problem or a network outage. Maybe the network in the area was overrun with visitors this past weekend -- that is also a possibility. But the sites in the area have been upgraded, so it is unlikely that what you experienced is standard network performance. Others who frequent the southern extremity of the Delmarva Peninsula can chime in. On that count, though, staff may need to move any further discussion back to where it belongs. AJ
  15. No, that is wishful thinking. The major licensees do not attack one another over license protection -- because they all use license protection at times. So, they do not want to invite FCC scrutiny of their own operations or retribution from fellow licensees. T-Mobile, for example, has operated a bare bones license protection network in top 100 market Omaha for over a decade now. You cannot sign up for T-Mobile service in Omaha. But some RF signal is live, and that is that. So, I hope that you are not the type to complain about this. Nothing will be done. Just accept it. It is what it is... AJ
  16. Now, this a post that I can actually like -- though I will not "Like" like it. I reserve those for full moons and birthdays. The sad part is that the comments section over at TmoNews is now a full on love fest. Cam seems like a nice guy, and wishing him well is an appropriate thing to do. But commenters also should honestly write that Cam was a poor fit from both technical and geographic standpoints, so it is probably for the best all around that he is moving on to other endeavors. Let it be known that PhoneDog needs to make a sensible hire this time. Then, several commenters have asked for moderator thepanttherlady to take over for Cam. From a technical perspective, that would be even worse. She has no obvious qualifications to edit a wireless focused web site. At least, she admits in the comments that she is not a writer, so she will not be in the running. In the end, the lack of intelligence in the TmoNews comments section is disheartening but not surprising. Unless T-Mobile upsets the natives by removing some grandfathered plan item, the comments seem largely about loving T-Mobile and loving anyone who also loves T-Mobile. Not much technical or critical thought in that. AJ
  17. PCS G block. FCC buildout requirements are service code and license block specific. Ground mount LTE sites are doing just that -- reusing existing antennas with ground mounted LTE RRUs. Antenna bandwidth is optimized for a certain range, but it does not start and stop on a dime. And out of band emission filtration is further up the signal path. AJ
  18. Vince has already cut school to go to the parade. AJ
  19. Ditka. Polish sausage. Ditka. Ribs. Heart attack. Ditka. AJ
  20. You are saying it wrong. It is da Hawksss. But I guess you are not a super fan. AJ
  21. Here is the rebanded SMR 800 MHz X block license for the home office in Overland Park: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=8190 Spot checking other rebanded licenses, it is representative of them, too. So, license renewal/expiration in most BEAs is almost exactly three years to the day from now. Around that time, the FCC may look at any loss of service, but it would have to be egregious for the FCC not to grant renewal. AJ
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