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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Just FYI, this thread may get shut down. If Sprint carries the 2015 Moto X, it will be a major device. And S4GRU has an unwritten policy now that a certain staff member preemptively creates threads for major devices so that staff have reserved the top one or two posts. AJ
  2. But what is the answer to the question? I am not trying to be glib, just legitimately curious. And I did not see a definitive answer among the rabble, rabble in the recent TmoNews thread. Do currently whitelisted services -- such as music streaming and speed tests -- count toward the 21 GB number or not? AJ
  3. When I was composing my post, I was debating relevant aphorisms -- either "reap…sow" or "shoot itself…foot." I went with the former. But between your post and mine, we have both covered. AJ
  4. And Music Freedom services -- such as Tidal at approximately 250 MB per hour -- are still exempt from the now instituted 21 GB "soft cap"? What is the verdict on that? If the answer is yes, T-Mobile cannot get out of its own way. It is reaping what it has sown. AJ
  5. Thus far, we have been receiving engineering screen verified CA reports from Samsung handsets. Have we determined if LG and/or HTC engineering screens also now include both PCC and SCC signal metrics? Previously, the problem with Samsung was cheap build quality. This year, it is substandard RF performance. It would be a shame if CA verification via PCC and SCC on the engineering screen is limited to Samsung. AJ
  6. You can start here: http://people.ku.edu/~cinema/wireless/spcs.html With one exception, all full PCS A/B block licenses were won at FCC Auction 4 in 1995. That includes several partnerships, all of which were wholly absorbed into Sprint PCS by the year 2000. Cox originally held the Los Angeles-San Diego MTA PCS A block and the Omaha MTA PCS B block, operating both as Sprint PCS. Comcast as PhillieCo originally held the Philadelphia MTA PCS B block, operating it as Sprint PCS. And The Washington Post Company, et al., as American Personal Communications originally held the Washington-Baltimore PCS A block, operating it as Sprint Spectrum, which started as GSM and rebuilt as CDMA. All partial PCS A/B block licenses are partitions and/or disaggregations acquired in spectrum transactions in the years subsequent to the PCS auctions. Those were acquired for additional bandwidth, especially in 10 MHz only markets. Most PCS D/E block licenses were won at FCC Auction 11 in 1997. Those BTA based licenses were used to fill in the remaining few MTAs (Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, etc.) where Sprint had failed to win PCS A/B block licenses in the earlier auction. A small number of PCS D/E block licenses have been acquired in spectrum transactions, but none of those are reflected in the table, as they happened post 2004. No PCS C block nor PCS F block licenses are listed. That is because the PCS C block in FCC Auction 5 in 1996 and the PCS F block in FCC Auction 11 in 1997 were reserved for Designated Entities, such as small businesses, minorities, and women. Unlike VoiceStream and later Cingular and AT&TWS, Sprint did not set up phony looking partnerships with Native American groups to get around those Designated Entity restrictions. So, as of 2004, Sprint held no PCS C block nor PCS F block spectrum. That has since changed minimally, as the FCC has reauctioned bankrupt licenses and/or Sprint has acquired licenses in spectrum transactions. But, again, those partial PCS C block and full/partial PCS F block licenses do not appear in the table because they are post 2004. AJ
  7. You are looking at him. That FCC Auction 4 recap is me. AJ
  8. I would date it circa 2001-2002. VoiceStream rebranded to T-Mobile in 2003-2004 and launched GSM in Cleveland, for example, which is still a black hole on this map. AJ
  9. SID 4190 is the St. Louis MTA, so that band class 1 signal is definitely coming from Missouri. AJ
  10. I miss these days... GSM rightfully was a second class citizen in the US. Huge coverage holes with no GSM in major markets and across entire states. And this map depicts not just VoiceStream footprint; this map is native plus roaming. So, for example, California is PacBell Wireless, much of Iowa is Iowa Wireless Services, and the Carolinas are BellSouth Mobility DCS. AJ
  11. Some may say this is mean, but I cannot resist. It could be a tall boomer site -- with a long throw through those trees. AJ
  12. The TmoNews article now has accumulated over 400 comments. Call it schadenfreude -- an apropos term for a German telecom -- but it is enjoyable to see so many Magentans infighting and scurrying around like the sky is falling, as their "uncarrier" wireless utopia starts to buckle under its own weight. Fantasy meets reality. And Fabian Cortez is there for damage control, hitting all of the hot words. "Transparency." "De-prioritization" is not "throttling" -- even though the effect is much the same for many users. As others have said, Fabian is a T-Mobile employee. If not, he is doing it wrong. Regardless, he is not an acknowledged contributor to the online wireless community. He has racked up thousands of Disqus comments, but he has not put his name to published articles, maps, FCC filings, etc. He snipes from the peanut gallery -- he does not contribute. Furthermore, I am pleased that -- in this game of "unlimited" data brinkmanship -- T-Mobile blinked first. Had Sprint done so, the biased tech press would have skewered Sprint to no end. But with the T-Mobile precedent now set, Sprint soon can decide what to do with its own unsustainable "unlimited" data, and we can all get on with our more sensible mobile lives. AJ
  13. CDMA1X is subject to "cell breathing." The lighter the loading, the larger the coverage radius. Late at night, this very well could be a distant CDMA1X 800 site. AJ
  14. Is his winter coat a man fur? Elaine's Joe Mayo coat argument is one of the greatest examples of tortuous logic ever. AJ
  15. As I recall, Arysyn mentioned streaming Tidal, which uses lossless compression. Is it FLAC? If so, for two channel 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio, it should average 500-800 Kbps. AJ
  16. For practical reasons, I will not quote your entire post, but this reply is in response to your entire post. The above is exactly the kind of post that furthers learning without animosity on either side -- the student or the teacher. Write more like this, and we will all benefit. Now, I have an actual class to teach, so I do not have time to respond in full. But I will return late this evening. And if you want a minimal concession to your idea, Sprint eventually may wish to sell the isolated PCS G block to Dish -- or whatever becomes of Dish and its spectrum. The PCS A-F block spectrum, though, is off limits. AJ
  17. You can stop right there. As I said, I was polite but forceful in my rebuttal to you. I did not attack you. And while you may not appreciate my clever turn of language, it is language that has been in the lexicon at S4GRU for much longer than you have been a member. Arysyn, you are treading on thin ice here. Members and staff alike are growing weary of your pipe dream ideas and terminal illness posts. We are sympathetic to your plight, but that does not garner you special treatment at S4GRU. Maybe you routinely get that your in everyday life -- but not here. You are just one of the guys (and a few gals). What you cannot seem to do is admit that you are wrong, that for whatever reason, you were wearing your Bad Idea Jeans that day. It happens to all of us. You would not get a hard time at all if you would just say, "Okay, I can see now that won't work. Back to the drawing board." But if you continue to push back, you are not going to win this argument in the court of staff or member opinion. That verdict has already been rendered. You lost -- and lost handily. If that is unacceptable to you, then you are free to leave at your leisure. AJ
  18. Well, the "A" in AJ is for Andrew, not Alex. So, no smart Alex posts. But definitely plenty of smart aleck posts. AJ
  19. On the contrary... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6832-lg-g4-user-thread-was-rumor-thread/ AJ
  20. Hush! Heresy! No way is the Sprint network now that reliable in many metros -- despite anything that RootMetrics might say. AJ
  21. What is your location? Where are your SignalCheck Pro screenshots? If you want help, we need more info for diagnosis. AJ
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