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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. Oh I know, but I can dream. It would suck though if Sprint didn't have any plans to improve the service here before 800 comes.
  2. I hope you're right but I didn't think they would be able to unless the merger with T-Mobile was to happen? I least that's what I understand from Masa Son during one of his interviews.
  3. So with estimates I may guess it would be at least late 2015 if not 2016 until we see some 800, unless Masa Son can make something happen lol. Though I know it is up to the feds to figure that out
  4. All this talk with hd voice is making me jealous. It's gonna be a long wait for me
  5. I'm not saying that we need to be the best in the world. I just find it kind of sad that we are almost last. I know we don't need blazing fast speeds for web pages, but in my mind it wouldn't hurt.
  6. I completely agree. I mean the US being 15th out of 16 in the world, come on. We should be getting what we pay for. A lot of these companies are greedy and will give us mediocre service so they can reap the most benefits. I hope Son can make this happen.
  7. first position. I would have done another word besides first but I didn't want to get in trouble
  8. I hope Sprint will do this. With upgrading those sites, their network would be stronger. I hope they have at least considered that as an option.
  9. I know it's hard for anyone to really be sure, but just wondering if anyone has an idea how long it might take Sprint to get clearance with Canada for 800mhz in northern Washington?
  10. I think it would help everywhere. Don't be so spoiled
  11. Well how about that. I'm not sure how accurate these maps are but sprint and at&t are very close in lte coverage. I would have never guessed.
  12. Why do you believe AT&T is vulnerable? Is it because Sprint is enhancing their network?
  13. Well said. In order for Sprint to really compete with At&t and Verizon, it would be beneficial for them to buy T-Mobile because of the extra spectrum they could use and having a larger customer base. If Sprint tried a price war now, I don't believe you would see much of an increase of customer growth because everyone is going towards the other 3 at the moment. If the deal doesn't go through, I believe in able to compete would be to keep building up the network and improve performance, then start a price war. At least that way Sprint can entice people and say "we have an awesome network, come signup with us".
  14. I'm skeptical the deal with T-Mobile won't go through and one of the videos with Masayoshi Son where he says "it would be a long shot" to succeed if they don't have the scale, what will happen then? How could Sprint compete with not as big of a scale? P.S. I am hoping for the merger to go through.
  15. That makes perfect sense, I knew that the higher the frequency the less propagation it had so it wouldn't travel as far. I should have put 2+2 together. Until I work up to a premier sponsor I'm gonna hit up some sprint stores and go to a triband phone and see if I can find band 41 anywhere.
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