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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. Refuses, failed to perform an action, "Sensorly refuses to map."   :P


    On the same note I've emailed them many times without a response, so now I refuse to use Sensorly.  :angry:

    When is the last time you tried Sensorly? I had issues before and removed it about 6-7 months ago, but I decided to try it again and it works fine now.


    With T-Mobile and now Verizon making a big push for LTE LAA (license assisted access), I thought I'd start a thread for general discussion of it.

    For those who are unaware, LTE LAA is the planned use of 5GHz spectrum to supplement downlink with licensed spectrum. Since there is a lot of unused 5GHz spectrum (500MHz+), it allows for many 20MHz wide carriers to aggregate with licensed downlink. This will never be done on a macro cell, and is designed for small cell deployment in dense areas where the capacity is needed.

    What do you guys think about it? If T-Mobile deploys it as well and as fast as they say they will (they intend to start seeding devices this year), I don't think Sprint could be the speed king even with 2.5GHz small cell deployment. That makes me wonder if Sprint is going to utilize LAA in the future.



    Merged two threads on same topic -- Tim




    They are planning on using the 5Ghz that is used with Wifi. I don't know about that. It is an interesting idea.



  3. How did everyone fare the hour or so outage the whole sprint network had for texting at midnight eastern time last night?

    I was having texting issues for a few hours up in Washington. Started around 9pm pst.

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