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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. All this sounds very helpful! Thank you. I'm greatly considering becoming a sponsor. I have some info if it may help... Here in Texas pings are very high... At least here in Austin. That could relate to some core network work happening.

    May I recommend Robert's deal that he so graciously extended. You can get information regarding towers in your area ahead of others for a small payment of $30. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6624-map-promotionstill-going-on-for-those-interested/

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  2. That could definitely be it. They don't use any of the features on the phone though except phone calls; so no texts, web, etc. Maybe they enabled it somehow. Since it doesn't seem to be a big issue I will just fix it for them next time I see them. Thanks for the link.

  3. My grandparents just called asking about something that is popping up on their phone recently. They say netguard keeps asking for some type of verification or something. So a couple questions; first off does anyone know anything about netguard? Secondly, they use an old Sanyo scp-3810 and never had this issue before, any idea what could cause this all of a sudden?

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