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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. I certainly hope they don't make the display smaller. The current size is PERFECT, IMHO. The G3 is a joy to hold and use, especially compared to my beastly iPhone 6+. The G3 is my daily driver because of this and I have fairly large hands.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I think either size screen would be nice to have. I know G3 has a small bezel around the screen, and I heard a possibility of a bezeless phone, so maybe even with a 5.3" it will still look and feel amazing? We can only speculate for now and maybe get some news next week at MWC.

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  2. I did something like that in an Excel spreadsheet back in 2012. I never turned it into a map, but always planned to. I couldn't find the file the last time I looked for it. Which was about a year ago. If I had the time, I would just recreate it. And I still may do that.

    Robert, couldn't you take the old Nextel Decommissioned Map and just update that with the ones that will be converted? I would think that may be the easiest, but then again, what do I know. :mad2:  

  3. I wonder if any one can make an overlay of all the decommissioned Nextel site and remove all that already have Sprint on them and those already converted. Im dying to know which 1,100 sites are being converted now.

    I would like to see the same thing, but I don't believe anyone knows which sites are going to be upgraded yet. Maybe in the near future we will have more information on which sites will be converted.

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  4. I tried and failed.  I tweeted to SprintCare last night and they called me today.  Told her what I was looking to do and she said that those promotions (Waived $15 access fee and Double Data on 32GB+plans) have expired and that there was nothing they could do to switch me and save me money for 1 year.


    I can see how a regular Sprint customer would just say adios and switch to another carrier who will pay their ETF's.  Sprint should empower their representatives to offer retention plans or perks to keep long-time customers on-board.  I am disappointed, just like my friends on Facebook who post complaints about Sprint's customer service, who then leave and boast about their new carrier and the superb customer service they receive.  It makes me sad to see Sprint not taking care of its customers.

    They have loyalty programs for us...




    Now I don't consider those real great options, but then again in a way they don't have to offer us anything more than their service we pay for.


    On that note, I do agree it would be nice to have some special perks for those loyal customers, aka (us) *cough cough*

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