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Posts posted by dnwk

  1. That was not the case with me. My billing cycle has not reset yet. Part of the month on Inland

    Cellular was roaming and part of the month was native.


    Sprint and Inland has some coverage overlap. So you maybe getting Sprint native signal for a while. For example, both have native signal in lewiston.

  2. Not to turn this into an Android vs iPhone fan boy contest, but with the way Apple has lagged behind android and how they like to offer "Apple Only" services...not going to happen.


    You're better off praying for Apple to start a similar service instead of them allowing google into their phones. Sorta like how Apple Pay came along way after Google Wallet was around.


    There maybe an Apple wireless with ATT+Verizon network.


    But I really want Google Wireless to be CCA wireless (which roam on every CCA members)

  3. Google is doing what son couldn't...

    Merge Tmo/sprint... Its a little more expensive but it you believe what sprint is doing and add in Tmo you should theoretically have the best data experience, and be on par with att/Verizon. Which is something sprint can't do yet as they are still building out. Something Tmo can't do yet as they don't have enough in building coverage yet..

    Is it possible to do CA cross carrier?

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