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Posts posted by dnwk

  1. OK, some more details, courtesy of Fierce Wireless:


    "We acquired from Sprint the top 20-25 markets, 60 percent of all the 900 MHz spectrum," O'Brien told MissionCritical Communications.




    So what happens to the other markets? Is Sprint going to sell it piecemeal to utilities? Would Solinc be interested?


    Earlier in the article, it says " acquired all of Sprint's (NYSE: S) 900 MHz licenses". I guess it means Sprint does not own the remaining 40% license.

  2. I don't know why Sprint is so afraid of 1x800 being used. They should have changed the threshold for when the PRL would start scanning to somewhere around -95 to -98 dBm. Of course, this is my personal opinion. Hopefully once the network matures, they will change it. I would love to have 1x800 on my iPhone when I'm in fringe areas. Less chance of garbled and/or dropped calls.

    Maybe it is about inter-band hand over? I have my call drop when I leave 800SMR coverage even though I have PCS coverage. 


    At the same time, Claure admits that he will have to eliminate certain segments of the business that are not thriving--or the "nice to haves," and instead focus on the must-haves. "In times of turnaround, we will focus on must-haves. Nice-to-haves will have to go. We have an extensive line of nice-to-haves."





    It looks like roaming is something he consider "nice-to-haves"

  4. Possibly.  But since CDMA 800 has such good propagation characteristics, you likely would have been able to connect to several different CDMA 800 sites/sectors.  Unlikely all available connection combinations would have been full.  Also, it could have initiated a scan for 1900 if it could not connect to anything because there were no slots available.  I would guess a network problem was the more likely culprit.


    I am using 503 PRL that's in the sponsor area. 503 put 800 in high priority, Does that make a difference?

  5. Ting has their own official forum, but I'm curious as to how many folks on here have their service. Or am I the only one? Well, not me exactly, but two (will soon be three) members of my immediate family (mom and brothers), all using LG Marquees, one of which is running CTMod (the other two will get it eventually).


    What's funny is that their combined monthly bill will be less than mine. Then again, I have a high-end subsidized phone that gets used quite a bit more than theirs will be.


    I think Robert has a Ting SIM

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  6. It's not quite most, but a lot of the recent flagships do technically support GSM/WCDMA functionality, etc.  But I don't believe that any of them do in dual mode.  You likely would not be able to drive along using CDMA/LTE and drive into GSM/LTE coverage seamlessly.  You would likely need to reboot your phone.  Or at a minimum, go into your hidden phone settings and change modes.


    Sprint likely could work out the bugs with OEM's and GSM Providers to make that work, one model at time.  And then push the SIM updates to allow those providers to work on the same Sprint SIM card.  But it seems like a tall order.  I am not expecting this to happen.  If it does, it would likely be on new devices where they have a chance to test this out and create new guidelines for OEM's going forward.


    I may be wrong.  But I would be shocked if Sprint started going back through all the older Sprint devices that support GSM/WCDMA and try to get them to roam off Sprint SIM cards domestically with new CCA/RRPP partners.  It would be great.  But I just don't see it happening.  Man, it's painful to be the pessimist.




    If Sprint open up GSM roaming, it will be very confusing to users on which phone can roam. They will keep asking why a fellow Sprint use have signal but they don't

  7. It doesn't seem impossible. Technically, Sprint (and subsequently, Ting) could activate almost any Verizon phone if they wanted to. 


    It might be missing some bands for some services (B25/B26 LTE, among others), but in general, there's zero hardware / technological problem preventing Verizon phones on Sprint's network. 


    Getting past Sprint's blacklist/whitelist is usually the only barrier. If Sprint chooses not to blacklist Verizon iPhones, there'd be nothing preventing them from working on Sprint.


    I think there is still a barrier for OTA. It might need some manual programming.  Oh, iPhone 5 take SIM card.

  8. If Sprint is needing roaming overages to balance the ledger then the outlook for the company is looking dimmer.  While you like to characterize roaming usage as an option for folks, it's just as much an option and business decision for Sprint - balancing the needs of customers with the footprint of the network.  I find it ironic that a the native network gets more robust (I rarely bounce to roaming in native coverage anymore unless deep in some metal buildings and on repeaters for other providers) and the footprint for non-roaming coverage has shrunk in recent years (see KS now vs a few years ago) Sprint decides to clamp down on roaming.


    It's pretty annoying to go on a roadtrip and spend 3 days on the interstate system stuck with 1x coverage - say what you want about customers and "misplaced" expectations, but I'm of the opinion that clamping down ahead of getting the new rural agreements in place is a bad business move for a company with a long disparaged network.


    You probably won't be able to persuade Robert. 

    I like the strategy of allow roaming on Sprint but no roaming on Virgin/Boost brand. And price on Virgin/Boost vs Sprint differentiate enough to reflect the omission of coverage. 

    I guess the other argument is the new price reduce the difference thus justify lower roaming cap. If the roaming cap continue to shrink,  I don't think there is a reason to setup a separate prepaid brand. It was on quality vs value branding scheme.

  9. Mine N5 has a strange problem. Sometimes, when it drop out of LTE, it will enter into EVDO only mode. I cannot make/receive calls. But I do have data. Only cure is set phone to 1X only and reboot and then change back to LTE


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  10. I do know I have B41 at home. Sometimes I do get connected to it when I am outside the house. The signal is pretty strong  -85 - 95


    And when I step in the house, I still get pretty decent signal. 97 - 105  


    However, If somehow I lose B41, like a phone reboot or walk into basement, I will never be able to connect to B41.Airplane mode after airplane mode only stay in B25. I sometimes connect to B26 but it will quickly send me back to B25. (If they try to preserve the capability in B26, I can understand that). But I don't understand why my phone won't connect to B41


    Anyone has similar issue?

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