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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. I'm glad my friend kept hers going all this time. It's nice since my Shift can't pick up 4g for crap indoors.
  2. Uh, was there something else that was supposed to be added to your reply? Cause all I see is your signature line.
  3. I never had that problem with at&t or cingular when changing rate plans. I know T-mobile used to do that all the time to people.
  4. Apple isn't that way. It must be your inner rebellious teenager, lol.
  5. This person prefers to buy new, but I will look for used and see what I can find for them.
  6. Clear doesn't throttle very much since I use it already (if you use more than like 3 or 4GB in a day, the rest of the day is slower data but resets the next day), and they stopped making customers sign contracts late last year. Prepaid carrier only now. The only thing I don't like about that is the modems and hot spots are full price now.
  7. Clear has cheap WiMax for $34.99/ month right now. That is just plain 4G. Cheapest way to have 4G once people start switching to CDMA/LTE only phones.
  8. Actually, the contract is up in April, so we are close. But paying $50 for an ETF is cheaper than keeping active service for the next 2 months, that is why I'm asking. Clear has a better deal on 4G for $35/month unlimited.
  9. Sense on the Evo Shift released with the Gingerbread upgrade was a nightmare, but all the custom ROM's with hybrid 2.1/3.0 sense worked much nicer. Now that I'm using Sense 3.0 entirely, it can be slow on my Shift, but overall for the first day I'm very happy with it.
  10. Ok, so someone who got a data card 2 years ago would be on a prorated etf then?
  11. Just a general curiosity. Does anyone know when Sprint instituted prorated ETF's?
  12. Hey, I have to tease you for being half way across the country from LA. I wish I was that far away. I'm 3 hours from LA right now.
  13. Technology black hole? I used to have one of those too. But it was in my bedroom, and there was an old Macintosh SE/30 and a Macintosh II as well, lol.
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