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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. 1x Field Test screen is still bad. Band Class is still dead and the channel # is too as well as the RxAGC0. One of these days they'll fix it, I hope. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  2. He even mentioned S4GRU! Talk about a shock factor! Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  3. My first call on Monday did go to the Philippines. I wish I could have a business account. But I don't know if they convert individual accounts to business accounts, and I know that transfer of liability on a lease will be a pain in the a**, if it's even possible. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  4. Update: I did get my Framily plan transferred to my new phone today. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  5. When shopping on Sprint's Business page, yes, you can add Open World to compatible devices. Also, Fusion plans include tethering for the 1, 2, & 3GB smartphone data add on's. It's the one perk that makes Fusion an awesome idea. Sent from Josh's iPad mini using Tapatalk
  6. I wouldn't see why not, as long as the phone is compatible. However, a corporate store states that I cannot convert my account, but when I talk to the back office tomorrow, I'll get clarification from them. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  7. I'm not going to jailbreak. I like my phone just the way it is. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  8. I called in to switch my Framily plan from my iPhone 6 Plus to my 6s Plus line. They said up to 72 hours before I should hear back from them. If they won't do it, I'll figure out how to switch my account to a business account and go on Business Fusion. Unlimited on Fusion is only $5/mo more than Framily Unlimited. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  9. Those areas may or may not be overloaded. There have been a few intermittent problems in the area over the last few weeks. And just a week ago I was getting speeds up to 49 down with just 2-3 dots of signal on my iPhone. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  10. They did it September 1st in Pahrump, and the corp manager they brought in said Sprint did it a month earlier than they were told the transition was supposed to happen. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  11. Actually, it doesn't really. SoftBank owns over 80% of the shares, and the less than 20% left don't really get much of a say. Sorry to say that, but it is what it is. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  12. Not that we know of yet. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  13. We had CelluarInfo on here, but Apple blocked the info, and the app only works when jailbroken now. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  14. Used the App Store app to find out my chipset after reading an article from Gizmodo, and now I know I have the TSMC processor. Boy am I glad to hear that. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  15. Exactly! Direct 2 U is now available in my area. It's a very good program. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  16. Stop right there please. If it wasn't for SprintShacks, I wouldn't have had a Corporate Sprint store to pre-order my iPhone 6s Plus from, not counting a place to go for help with billing issues, and a place to pay my Sprint bill. Plus, in Las Vegas, some of the Shacks are doing pretty well for Sprint business. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  17. iOS 9.0.2 released today. http://www.macrumors.com/2015/09/30/apple-releases-ios-9-0-2/?utm_source=osx&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=front
  18. Are you on the 9.1 beta? Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  19. This isn't too bad for today. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  20. I'm thinking its a temporary thing that they stopped selling them online. Some stores may still have them in stock, or may be able to order them. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
  21. I figured I would, but just wasn't sure. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  22. Question, does anyone know if we pay tax on the $191 lease payoff at the end of the lease period? Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  23. The fact that Apple refunds the unused portion of AppleCare, then I say yes, it's worth investing in. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
  24. After reading the requirements, I wouldn't qualify. My credit is horrible, and I don't even have a credit card anymore. Plus I got my 6S Plus 128GB on lease for $28.53/mo, far cheaper than Apple's program. Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk
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