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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. From the album: Network Vision Site/Tower Photos - North Oxford, Mass.

    In this shot you can see the RRU's, the new panels and the legacy panels. A little messy looking though. Special thanks to Kevster1321 for this photo. March 17, 2012.
  2. From the album: Network Vision Site/Tower Photos - North Oxford, Mass.

    Sprint is the second rung down here. You can start to see the NV gear and wiring. Special thanks to Kevster1321 for this photo. March 17, 2012.
  3. From the album: Network Vision Site/Tower Photos - North Oxford, Mass.

    Looking at the top of the new Network Vision tower. Special thanks to Kevster1321 for this photo. March 17, 2012.
  4. From the album: Network Vision Site/Tower Photos - North Oxford, Mass.

    Looking at the new Network Vision upgrades from away. Special thanks to Kevster1321 for this photo. March 17, 2012.
  5. You are going to love what we announce in chat tonight at 9:30 PM Mountain. - Robert
  6. I think if Apple did that, they would be in breach of the spirit of the contract. Apple has no interest in intentionally trying to sign someone up like that last year only to pigeon hole them into 3G purgatory. That doesn't make any sense for Apple. They aren't pirates. If I was a betting man, I think that the LTE iPhone will be supported for Sprint. Apple is going to have to make separate LTE versions for AT&T and Verizon anyway. They might as well have a third one for Sprint too. I get Sprint leaks all the time. But Apple is not Sprint. Apple does not leak info. Zip. Zero. Nothing. So I would put zero credence in the rumors going around now. There is a saying that, "Only fools, charlatans and liars predict earthquakes." I think the same can be said for those who predict Apple too. Especially this far out. Robert
  7. Ummm. I don't think you can, short of a RF spectrum analyzer (as my friends joke about above). Robert
  8. I do have a NYC Market schedule update on my to do list. Stay tuned. Robert
  9. S4GRU


    From the album: Article Photos

  10. Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - 3:18 PM MDT Today, Sprint releases invitations to the grand Sprint/HTC collaboration event, to be held on Wednesday, April 4th. We didn't get our invitation yet, but the mail man here at the Espanola post office can be slow. We can't help but jump to the conclusion that this event is to announce the upcoming HTC Evo One X Jet HD LTE, or whatever the name actually ends up being, that we broke the story about the past Sunday. If so, seems a little early. I'm sure HTC would love to have the announcement out there that their device is coming soon, before the Galaxy Nexus goes on sale. We wouldn't want any HTC fans to have an identity crisis and go out and buy a Samsung or LG only a few weeks before their preferred OEM released theirs. Maybe we will hear pricing at this event? Either way, we feel a little vindicated. We had some people putting us down out there in tech media. And we did get the scoop first on this device. And we were on the money. Thanks to all of you who believe and support us! And Dan, you can e-mail me the invitation if that's more convenient for you.
  11. Here is a little graph of S4GRU page view traffic since we moved to IP Board back on February 6th. As you can see, usage skyrocketed this past weekend. Our mean number of daily page views is approx. 7,000 per week day and 4,500 per weekend day. However, this past weekend we had: 14,102 page views on Saturday 15,410 page views on Sunday 18,626 page views on Monday Wow! Staggering! Thanks for all your support of S4GRU.com. Robert
  12. I have the market dates for the First Round. I will be releasing them soon. Just planning how I want to deliver the series. I have a tendency to over plan. But your dates are a little over optimistic. But there will be LTE sites in all those markets (and several more, even some not yet announced by Sprint) that will be live before this device goes on sale. Robert
  13. Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - 1:30 PM MDT Our readers are so astute, that I bet they are wondering, where is that Tri-Network Hostpot unveiled at CES last January with the GNex and the Viper? When is it going to hit the street? Well wonder no more! Sprint 4G Rollout Updates has learned that Sprint is intending to release the Sierra Wireless Tri-Network Hotspot on Friday, May 18th. This device is unique from other hotspots because it runs on three networks, 4G LTE, 4G WiMax and 3G EVDO. This hotspot will be a must for those Sprint customers needing mobile WiFi connectivity everywhere they go. Given the current evolution from 4G WiMax to 4G LTE, it will be very versatile for any type of signal you encounter on the Now Network. A great device to bridge the transition in 4G technologies. You can even use it to turn your iPhone 4S into a 4G device. Just hook up your iPhone to the hotspot, and you will have 4G speeds anytime you are in a Sprint LTE or WiMax coverage area. This Tri-Network Hotspot is designed to search for 4G LTE first, then WiMax, then 3G EVDO. And at intervals, it will scan for another network to see if it can locate an even faster signal than the one it is connected to. It supports up to 8 simultaneous connections, has a range up to 150' and even offers 32GB of storage on board. Pricing information is still unknown at this time. Photo courtesy of gottabemobile.com Source: Undisclosed Internal Source
  14. Magenta Girl must not do anything for ya! They were counting on that. All though it's off topic, I have to say the T-Mobile 4G Santa Workshop ad with all the little people was exploitative and creepy. I still have nightmares about it!!!
  15. Whether or not he is gaming the system is definitely an unproven point on all of our parts. But he is indeed hurting Sprint by stating his opinion. We all have a powerful voice in the internet age. I could create a series of articles that could significantly impact Sprint myself, and just call them opinion pieces. I could write them in a way that they would be picked up by all the tech sites within an hour and possibly even the Wall Street Journal in a few hours. Just because I have an electronic sword, doesn't mean I need to wield it. Even at worthy adversaries. Personal responsibility is being lost in this day and age. Robert
  16. Hey...monetize that WiMax while you still can!!! Robert, Roberto, Admin, Hey You! Its all good! But this was posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  17. Our photos were purely for illustrative purposes only. We currently have no idea what the Jet/Evo/One will look like with certainty. But it probably looks like the One X. Robert, Roberto, Admin, Hey You! Its all good! But this was posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  18. S4GRU

    Finally signed up

    I try to stay humble. Robert, Roberto, Admin, Hey You! Its all good! But this was posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  19. You can do lots of things through a third party. He may not be able to do it himself. Its a poorly written hit piece. If you use the B word, you better know what the hell you're talking about. The author is either an idiot, an arse or trying to game the system. And just like it was his opinion, these are mine. And those were Scott's. You can't defend the author opinions and then pick on the opinions of our members. Just explain your opinion in contrast to other members. Thanks. Robert, Roberto, Admin, Hey You! Its all good! But this was posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  20. Welcome to S4GRU! Yeah, 600k speeds are average. There are many members who would love to get up to that speed. On average I get around 1.3Mbps where I live. Thanks for your first post I hope to see you around. Robert
  21. I'm rockin Calkulin ICS v1.1 right this very moment on the E4GT that I'm typing on. Robert
  22. S4GRU

    Lurker Convert

    Welcome to S4GRU.com. Thanks for joining. I have more schedule details that will be posted within a week or so about deployment schedules in your area. Stay tuned. Robert
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