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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I think more than anything, it's that LTE begs to be used. Low pings, great speeds, it just wants to be unleashed. It's a wireless multimedia beast. However, with data caps I feel restricted and only end up doing things I could do just fine with 1Mbps. What a let down. Robert
  2. I should have known it was something like that. I'm thankful to live a quiet, sheltered life. I think I'd become Amish, if it wasn't for the fact I couldn't bring my smartphone and tablets with me. Robert
  3. Unfortunately, NetMonitor shows you which 1x site your are connected to, not which LTE site. Robert
  4. It looks like some recent work has been done and more in the near future. https://network.sprint.com/search/torrington%2C+ct/ It many already be somewhat better. Robert
  5. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1178-report-your-lte-connection-here-updated-6152012/page__st__200__p__35633&do=findComment&comment=35633
  6. I'm so unhip, I don't even know what hentai is? Sounds like a Japanese city. Is that on Hokkaido? Robert
  7. bronze age Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  8. It's not a good comparison between Tmo HSPA+ results in Houston to AT&T results in rural CT. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  9. I have to say now with almost a month of using a Verizon LTE hotspot that data caps really stink. I have not exceeded the 4GB on my plan. However, it is extremely annoying and even produces slight anxiety every time I need to use data. I'm always wondering, how much data do I think this activity will use? How much have I used in this billing period? How much more data do I think I am going to use the remainder of the billing period? Then I run off to the Verizon site and check my usage meter. Its almost like I need to do a cash flow analysis (except it's a data flow analysis) every day and meter myself. And now I never want to stream anything at all, fearful it may use too much data. It's awful. Even my family is sick of it. I became a data nazi. When we all were connected to it in South Dakota on vacation, I was always quizzing everyone, "what are you doing right now? You better not be streaming anything!" They all kept asking, "when are we going to be back to Sprint coverage? This sucks." My kids and my wife are used to doing just whatever they want to. They didn't even like the speeds in relation to being managed. Unlimited data is a wonderful thing. Like Ron Popeil says, "just set it and forget it!". I'm really looking forward to Sprint having unlimited data on a much better network. Because data caps just plain suck! Now to call my therapist regarding my new anxiety disorder... Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  10. He says it in the very post you quoted, Howard. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  11. There is no app that will provide you the actual Sprint Site ID numbers. But there are apps that will give you a BSID number for the sector you are on at a specific site. Apps like CDMA Field Test. However, it only works for the 1x carrier, not the EVDO carrier. You can also get the same information from your Debug Menu, by entering ##DEBUG# in your phone dialer. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  12. In Sacto? You definitely are an optimist! Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  13. Correction...schedule info comes directly from Sprint. Sprint schedule database said TBD. TBD just means that the person doing the data entry didn't have info about the site at the time they were entering in the data. We shouldn't read anything into a date marked TBD. It doesn't necessarily mean it's far out. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  14. uncomfortable position Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  15. I think its pretty plausible. Apple is not happy watching Samsung eat its lunch because of LTE devices. I've heard quite a few people now switch to the GS3 from an iOS product because of LTE and few more considering it. Apple wants their LTE iPhone on the market as soon as it can. I wouldn't be surprised if this one is a little buggier than previous models. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  16. I'm sorry that you're unhappy. But I don't know how I can get you heated. We are not Sprint. We are a group of wireless enthusiasts and Sprint customers. I'm just giving you information. It's not my intent to make you unhappy. It's my intent to inform you and millions of others who are not getting the information that they should. Robert
  17. It is so highly variable based on tower height and panel downtilt. However in a place like Wabash, the sites there will likely reach 3-4 miles with LTE. It may be farther if one of them is a Boomer. Robert
  18. pole dancing Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
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