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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. This is true. None of us know how long any plan will be around. Sprint may make boatloads of money and the network management schemes may be so good off these new plans that they do force them on us. Or they could be so unpopular and everyone avoids them so they scrap the new plans. No one knows now. I completely agree. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. This is not accurate. You need to put our past POP discussions into context. For the purpose of what's being discussed in this thread, it is a helpful metric. Why do you hang out here if you repeatedly find a way to take digs at us? Are you a masochist? Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. It technically is a violation of our posting guidelines to tell people to use a VPN for the purpose of trying to bypass Sprint's network management protocols. I respectfully request that members not post this point any further. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/ Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. I too encourage them to seek the data themselves. You do owe me, since you came into my forums and claimed that AT&T and Verizon now sell the iPhone at 70%. Then you cite an AT&T article that you cannot get a firm percentage on and give a link to a Verizon article that says they are selling them at 55% currently. So Verizon does not NOW sell them at 70% as you claimed, nor have they ever averaged 70% since February 2011 in any year. The best you have shown was a past quarter where they once almost hit that. But your language that was challenged is "now." You're initial comment is inaccurate and your cited data proves that. Just admit your were over zealous in your initial claim and we can then get down to what's accurate. If you don't want to defend yourself, that's fine. But the bottom line is your original premise that AT&T and Verizon sells the iPhone at 70% now has already been disproven by your links. Verizon now sells at 55% and AT&T cannot be determined on the info you've provided. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. Yes they are. Your point is inaccurate and I'm going to keep pointing that out. They never said all of their plans for all customers will always be truly unlimited. Only people who don't want to be truly unlimited are impacted. Sprint is still truly unlimited, and now they even have some unlimited voice options too. What does truly unlimited even mean? Is throttling just streaming video that impacts network performance sometimes but allow that to happen in an unlimited amount something less than truly unlimited? Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. My patience is really starting to wear thin. This is a bullshit post. If they sell any plans that are not truly unlimited and offer them as additional choices to consumers, then they are no longer truly unlimited? Go push your platitudes somewhere else. I require you to stick to the facts here. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  7. I don't accept your premise that activations and sales are interchangeable. Also, your quote doesn't mean anything. The only thing I will accept from you is to provide iPhone sales number percentages from AT&T and Verizon since February 2011 for every quarter. Let's see them, and average them out. This will take the spikes right after new models and the dips. We can then see the trend and total percentages over a long period of time. It will show that to get 70% and 80% iPhone penetration numbers you have to cherry pick quarters. Digiblur was right to call you on this. Put up the sustained data to prove your point that iPhone numbers are so grandiose. A sustained 80% market share would be the end of all other platforms. Yet, they are thriving more than ever before. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  8. No. They reserve the right to throttle down to 1Mbps on devices if they feel they need to for network performance only for the people who choose this plan. No one is affected except for those who chose to be. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. Is there really ever an error in providing more options and choices in plans for the consumer? I think this is just a little bit ridiculous. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. I understand why you'd feel that way. I just have a hard time grasping pessimism. Believing the worst even without evidence of it is hard for me. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. You're just rehashing your old statistics. It does not prove that Apple has a 70% share in the U.S., either the past quarter, the past year or ever. AT&T still has not said that they are selling 80% iPhones even in the source you linked. It's not accurate. You are comparing their total iPhone activations against total sales. That's an apples to orange comparison. You then extrapolate what is going on inaccurately at the two largest carriers across the whole country. That is also faulty logic. iPhone penetration is not above 50% nationally and likely never will. And selling 55% Verizon share for the most recent quarter sure is heck not going to get them to a 70% national share. Your deductions are stratospherically off course. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. There are several sites like this in Northern New Mexico. They typically run at 500-800kbps. They are much more desirable for data use than EDGE/GPRS. I'd like them to be more common, though. These are 3G type speeds at least. Although I do hear frequent complaints that people think they have Tmo 4G running at 500kbps. Its kind of like hooking LTE to T1 lines. But I do prefer it over EDGE. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. Saint Cloud Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. Well, that answers the question for me! Thanks for posting it. I'm sure the detractors will have an explanation for that too. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  15. Couldn't it be just as logical to assume that the language is for new customers and existing customer who choose them? I'm certainly not willing to put my reputation on the line to make a definite call on this one. But I just want to continually make the point these are additional plans until someone can confirm otherwise. Even the AndroidPolice article calls them additional plans. So I will disclaim every post says these are mandatory selections until that is more than feelings. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. So you think new customers will only be able to select the new plans? Even though nothing has been said about that from any official or even leaked info. Interesting. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. Its not just Sprint, but Verizon too. There is a big hole of CDMA coverage now in rural Northern New Mexico with the departure of the AT&T/Alltel CDMA network. Just Commnet left on CDMA here. And their network is very poor PCS 1900, whereas Alltel had more sites and on 850. Commnet 1x data is dead or less than 10kbps in most locations. And none of their sites hand off. All are islands. So you pull over to use Commnet voice. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. Never has Sprint nor any leaked info said that new customers had to choose these plans. Currently these are just additional plans. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. Great links. I love how the WSJ calls it a price drop. And the Android Police were very pragmatic and stuck to the points. To think the S4GRU members were the ones who jumped to conclusions and the sky was falling first. More plans and more choices are a good thing. And these plans are a price drop to millions. Good reporting. Robert
  20. You come into my forums and ask me to eat crow? Even if you were right, you should at least respond in a respectful tone. You are a troll. Let me dish some up crow for you. The Verizon article clearly states iPhone sales were just over 50% the last quarter, with the highest quarter reported around 66%. The AT&T article can't even be compared, because they cite iPhone activations versus total sales. To come up with a percentage you need iPhone activations to total activations, or iPhone sales to total sales. You are cherry picking quarters and data to make a false point and make it seem like these percentages represent all year. I am not an iPhone hater by any means. But the facts do not support your outlandish 70% share claims. I have proven you to be mistaken. Any other disrespect or shots across my bow and you will be banned. You could have responded to my point without having to be a provocateur. You can provide further evidence to support your claims if you like, but do so in a respectable way that does not make you look like a douche. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. The way Sprint is really liberal with voice roaming, I have drawn the conclusion it is inexpensive. I may be incorrect, though. It is just an assumption on my part. Robert
  22. You come to a Sprint themed forum and surprised that some people adore or worship the brand? I agree that there is nothing special about Sprint that their customers should blindly follow whatever they decide to do. But there are blindly following loyalists to every brand, including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile. Heck, even Betty Crocker. I would venture to guess that Sprint has less brand loyalists on average. Let's face it, it is harder to drink the Sprint koolaid than for other carriers just based on the legacy network condition alone. Robert
  23. I can accept your points. I cannot accept the point of 70% share that was being offered by the poster. Apple never hit 70% share in the U.S., or any major country. Every percentage point over 50% is extremely difficult. For any company. Robert
  24. He definitely avoided it, no doubt. But I wasn't expecting him to answer it though. Tmo just needs to withdraw their useless EDGE coverage and save a lot of operational expenses. Roaming costs for just phone calls in these areas can't be much. If they want to be the urban provider, they need to just embrace it. Robert
  25. No you don't. I won't defend Verizon. I live on the edge of Sprint native coverage. It's just a geography thing for me. I won't muzzle you. For me, going north of my town, I either have to use VZW or AT&T, and I can tolerate VZW more than AT&T. As far as their scope and ability to disrupt competition, they are the same enemy. However, Randall Stephenson paints a bigger bullseye on his company with his public temper tantrums and overtly anti-competitive statements. At least Verizon is intelligent in the PR department when plotting its world domination. Robert
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