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RIM enticing Android developers to port their apps with a free BB Playbook


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012


Yesterday I posted that

RIM was accepting Android apps

to insert in their market as long as any references to Android or Android market were removed. Apparently, they are now taking it a step further and giving a free playbook to any Android developer who ports their app over to Blackberry. I wonder if this will spur development for Blackberry?

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012


I read that. It made me consider quickly trying to build a S4GRU Android app to try to get a free Playbook out of them. But I'm too busy trying to set up the new forums!

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RIMM has to do something. If they can't get any traction from the developer side, its just another nail in the coffin. MS has been providing cash incentives for developers to work on WP and it appears to be working. I think MS is ahead of RIMM in the app department by 20,000.

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This is actually the smartest move its made in years. I think Apps is the biggest thing hurting their new OS 10. And to be able to run Android apps in a BB environment will be a very good thing.


It may not get them to a place of growing market share. But it will help slow or stop their customer turnover. The remaining BB people are a die hard lot. They want a reason to stay. Any reason.


Sent from Tapatalk App

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