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Belgrade, Serbia Roaming Report


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Sitting on my return flight from Belgrade figured I'd write up my roaming experience. I was here to speak at a conference (PHP Serbia) and the organizers gave folks Vip Mobile SIMs, but I elected to keep my Sprint SIM in and use some high speed day passes instead. Mainly so I didn't forget to swap my own SIM back in, and because that way I could do WiFi calling (which worked well).

Here, you have your choice of Telenor (the default when I landed) or Vip Mobile (which I switched to shortly thereafter). Both have B3 and B20 LTE, but it seemed like Vip had better service in Belgrade, sort of like T-Mobile. That said, the hotel I was in was in the shadow of a cell site so service was a bit spotty, and the conference venue was built well enough to have iffy cell service as well. So I used WiFi in both locations, as well as the airport to a large extent 

One interesting thing is that my bank rejects Serbian IP addresses...fair enough, I guess...so the VPN provided by Sprint's roaming was handy.

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On 5/27/2019 at 2:06 AM, iansltx said:

One interesting thing is that my bank rejects Serbian IP addresses...fair enough, I guess...so the VPN provided by Sprint's roaming was handy.

My bank Alliant CU won't even allow their cards to be run in serbia. We were planning a trip to Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia and when we called they told us it won't process in any of them except Italy. Widespread fraud was their reasoning... Oh well

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11 hours ago, xdfgf said:

My bank Alliant CU won't even allow their cards to be run in serbia. We were planning a trip to Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia and when we called they told us it won't process in any of them except Italy. Widespread fraud was their reasoning... Oh well

By contrast, the credit card I used over there worked fine without consulting with Chase. Maybe because I booked the flight to there via their travel portal, but I'm not complainin'.

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