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PRL question


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I have a couple of PRL questions. One of my phones allows me to update PRL VIA wifi. Another phone does not. Does you location affect the PRL update you get? For instance, if I update the PRL near a certain tower does that become my base? So would it be best to update the PRL in each area you are in. I do a lot of travelling.

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For instance, if I update the PRL near a certain tower does that become my base?


No.  PRLs have nothing to do with individual "towers."



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I have a couple of PRL questions. One of my phones allows me to update PRL VIA wifi. Another phone does not. Does you location affect the PRL update you get? For instance, if I update the PRL near a certain tower does that become my base? So would it be best to update the PRL in each area you are in. I do a lot of travelling.

PRL just tells your phones which networks it can connect to and in which order of preference. The reason Sprint has different PRLs in different phones has nothing to do with towers, but more with phone capabilities. For example, some PRLs support 1x800, but others won't. This is due to some older phones not having the hardware to access the SMR band.
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