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Post on phone arena suggest sprint willing to sell some 2.5GHz spectrum??


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I was just reading the article and it made it sound like sprint is in a very bad way. this though i highly doubt. it got even weirder when they somehow quoted sprint as saying they would sell some 2.5GHz Spectrum.


I highly doubt sprint would do this as it needs every bit it has already.


Source http://www.phonearena.com/news/Sprint-takes-huge-charge-related-to-its-brand-name_id65655


Original source Phone arena copied off lol http://www.wsj.com/articles/sprint-loss-widens-but-subscriber-losses-slow-1423141407?mod=rss_Technology


The whole page has got to be bogus. with softbank injecting money into sprint how could they be having any problems right now. not to mention they are doing the co locate thing with radio shack.

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Sprint has suggested they be willing to sell "some" 2.5GHz assets. It has been discussed to death in the Marcelo thread.




It has nothing to do with being broke or bankrupt. Join the conversation there. I am closing this thread because I don't want to have this conversation going on in many places. It will get disjointed.

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