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Straight talk UMX 240C


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Well it runs on the verizon CDMA network so it could be slower than sprints 3G depending on where you live.


here when you get any sort of sprint signal even during the day you get at minumum 1.4Mbps down while verizons 3G during the day crawls at 500kbps.


i got it for $19.99 as a refurb unit off the straight talk website 




for an $80 dollar hotspot "new" Straight talk must be out of their minds. the front literally is just LED lights under clear plastic. the battery meter does turn from gree to yellow to red to indicate life but this thing is super basic.


I was able to get 4 hours of use out of it with my phone connected to it though i used less than ~100MB of data. so the battery is also sort of meh.


i also noticed that this thing gets pretty darn worm for a hotspot. just having a phone connected to it, you could replace your chemical hand warmers in the winter time.


As for the Verizon 3G connectivity. well most of the time it seems slower than sprint 3G so its almost useless even as a hotspot. the most you could ever do is check email.



Overall a "meh" device even for its refurb cost. go with a sprint pre pay hotspot with LTE.



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You could use it as a supplement when your Sprint phone is roaming

yeah but my phone already roams onto verizon though its true i dont get verizon 3G when i roam anymore. the speeds vary from like pre Sprint NV Aka 200Kbps up to 2.5Mbps but thats at like 4AM. i guess if you were out in the middle of no where and you had no sprint signal it could be nice to have even if verizon is slower than sprint "on 3G"

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah but my phone already roams onto verizon though its true i dont get verizon 3G when i roam anymore. the speeds vary from like pre Sprint NV Aka 200Kbps up to 2.5Mbps but thats at like 4AM. i guess if you were out in the middle of no where and you had no sprint signal it could be nice to have even if verizon is slower than sprint "on 3G"


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saw that unfortunately because of tax refund season all of the hotspots are sold out. i have no idea how good AT&Ts service is here even though it says we are blanketed for miles on their LTE netowrk i have a hard time believing that.


I actually just bought an verizon LG G2 to use on straight talk since they fully support LTE now the $45 dollar plan is more than enough plus since its a verizon phone it gets its hotspot feature on straight talk as well.

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when mah tax refund comes i will buy it online. my local walmarts are sold out. the only thing i dont know is if it supports XLTE (doubtful)


Tracphone throttle it down to 3G speed. So XLTE is irrelevent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That plan is useless at that price.. I will give you a free Sierra Tri-Fi LTE hotspot for Band 25 LTE and an unlimited NON Spark 4G plan for the cost of less than what they want to charge you for there device per month. Way over priced for 3G service.

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