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Sprint Pushing Google Wallet and NFC Payments


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 12 January 2012


We may not see a LTE phone on Sprint for a while that doesn't include a NFC chip. The article NFC to Come Standard in Sprint LTE Phones states that only the low end phones that will be free or very cheap for new customers/upgrades will not have the NFC chip because of the extra cost of the chip. There have already been 2 LTE phones announced and they both have the chips. Sprint must be betting that NFC transactions take off and they can make some good kickbacks from a partnership with Google Wallet.


Although I suppose nobody will take it seriously until Apple includes it on the iPhone (rolls eyes).

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 12 January 2012


Good move by Sprint to keep things mixed up. Now if the payment industry would catch up so this could take off. Here's a supporting article that discusses Sprints NFC plans and other items.



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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 12 January 2012


After this period of new device inactivity the next few months awaiting LTE devices, I think Sprint is going to try hard to stay on the cutting edge with new devices. I think it's going to be apart of their future strategy. Sprint is looking up! They are playing all their cards right...finally. I hope they keep it up.

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