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how rich is softbank? they just spent about $300 million on a game software company....

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SoftBank has a ton of cash, and plenty coming in. Last year they had ¥313.7 billion in net income, that translates to about $3.33 billion. That's not overall revenue, that's net income. And that's a growth over 2011.

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Most Japanese companies attempt to reach a conglomerate status, and as such Softbank would be no different. Panasonic for example manufactures TVs, microwaves, fridges, ovens, telephones, some toilets, furniture, and bicycles, The Sony Group and Kawasaki Industries are the same way.


Westerners mostly do not understand this kind of business strategy, but then again look at the Fukishima radiological disaster. There was no rioting or looting, like you would have seen here in the United States or other Westernized nations. The Japanese have a very unique way of life that is founded on the basis of "politeness." I cannot completely understand the perspective or worldview that influences/relates to this, but it does explain a heck of a lot about how their society runs.

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Most Japanese companies attempt to reach a conglomerate status, and as such Softbank would be no different. Panasonic for example manufactures TVs, microwaves, fridges, ovens, telephones, some toilets, furniture, and bicycles, The Sony Group and Kawasaki Industries are the same way.


Westerners mostly do not understand this kind of business strategy, but then again look at the Fukishima radiological disaster. There was no rioting or looting, like you would have seen here in the United States or other Westernized nations. The Japanese have a very unique way of life that is founded on the basis of "politeness." I cannot completely understand the perspective or worldview that influences/relates to this, but it does explain a heck of a lot about how their society runs.


It's mainly based off Confucianism where everyone is expected to have a place in society and uphold that place to maintain harmony and peace. It's an Asian thing and one of the reasons why Asians are (forced to be) academically superior to nearly every other race. You have a place in society, you keep that place. If someone screws up then they'll fix it. People will learn from the mistakes and life continues on.

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If someone screws up then they'll fix it. People will learn from the mistakes and life continues on.


No, if "someone screws up," they lose face, then amputate a finger or commit seppuku.



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It's mainly based off Confucianism where everyone is expected to have a place in society and uphold that place to maintain harmony and peace. It's an Asian thing and one of the reasons why Asians are (forced to be) academically superior to nearly every other race. You have a place in society, you keep that place. If someone screws up then they'll fix it. People will learn from the mistakes and life continues on.


It's definitely a very interesting society, which us Americans could learn a thing or two from. I would also probably have to chalk some of that ideology up to how they pulled off the Japanese Miracle back in the 1950s-1980s.


@WiWavelength That's not cool man, even if you're joking. Suicide rates skyrocketed there in the 90s, and got even worse after the 2008 economic collapse as well as the 2011 Fukishima Daichi incident. The Japanese have had our backs since the end of war two, and have been great allies economically, culturally, politically, and militarily.

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Take it easy, standardmissile. I kowtow to few, if any sacred cows. Anything is worthy of examination, humor, even ridicule.


If you are going to admire the intense dedication within Japanese society that motivates excellence, then you must also recognize the negative ramifications of that zealous (overzealous?) cultural drive.


Though organized religion may tell you otherwise, there are no easy answers to complex social issues...



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Take it easy, standardmissile. I kowtow to few, if any sacred cows. Anything is worthy of examination, humor, even ridicule.


If you are going to admire the intense dedication within Japanese society that motivates excellence, then you must also recognize the negative ramifications of that zealous (overzealous?) cultural drive.


Though organized religion may tell you otherwise, there are no easy answers to complex social issues...




Completely agree that there are strong positives to such a culture but as with anything, negatives come as well.

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Sorry guys, didn't mean to come off too strongly. Just dealt with a few too many insensitive idiots and trolls in my day. That and the neighbor's chihuahua kept me up that night.


Trust me, the Japanese are not perfect. Any society that allows you to be stuffed into train cars like sardines into a tin, needs to have their collective heads examined.

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Sorry guys, didn't mean to come off too strongly. Just dealt with a few too many insensitive idiots and trolls in my day. That and the neighbor's chihuahua kept me up that night.


Trust me, the Japanese are not perfect. Any society that allows you to be stuffed into train cars like sardines into a tin, needs to have their collective heads examined.




Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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