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Network Vision/LTE - Toledo Market (Toledo, Bowling Green, Findlay, Lima, Port Clition)


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http://www.phonedog.com/2015/09/10/sprint-roll-spark-service-18-new-markets-september-11 they did but they don't have the coverage map up yet for some reason. It's good that they have 2 band 41 carriers helps phones with non CA support and once they put those two together phones with CA able will really see speeds and capacity. 800 can't come soon enough that's right for sure and I don't get the tower there'd fiber ran there as T-Mobile and Verizon and att are both on that tower but still nothing.


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Because it will allow them to have 10MHz wide B25 LTE channels instead of 5MHz. A doubling of speeds/capacity on existing and future B25 sites. They would be stupid not to pick it up.


Using Nexus 6 on Tapatalk

well in that case my comment still stands. its for 3 counties and in these 3 counties (as far as i am aware) they only have band 25. no B41 or 26. speeds are acceptable all around and average 5-10Mbps. sprint is just wasting money on these areas since these counties are low pop enough for them to not launch B41 anyways. 


BTW i am not trying to argue with you i am just trying to make sense of this random purchase. i would rather them just add a few more towers to increase coverage than have wider spectrum that still wont reach anyone in the rural areas of these counties anyways.

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well in that case my comment still stands. its for 3 counties and in these 3 counties (as far as i am aware) they only have band 25. no B41 or 26. speeds are acceptable all around and average 5-10Mbps. sprint is just wasting money on these areas since these counties are low pop enough for them to not launch B41 anyways. 


BTW i am not trying to argue with you i am just trying to make sense of this random purchase. i would rather them just add a few more towers to increase coverage than have wider spectrum that still wont reach anyone in the rural areas of these counties anyways.


Don't get hung up on this.  It's not an either, or situation.  They can do both.  It's not as if because they do one, the other is now impossible.  This is not going to distract them from doing other things in Ohio.  By the time they do something with that spectrum they picked up, they will have B41 on the sites in your area that they wanted to build on anyway.

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could for sure, but the turnpike is pretty well covered in our market with 800 it'll be even better. But hey more towers is fine by me if they do add any.
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I've been doing some digging around for stuff around our area and found this... I don't know how accurate this site is but I found this pretty interesting: http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp?sourcepagename=antennachecktxreview&getpagename=pgtxdetail&cmdrequest=getpage&ipos=22&isubpos=1&strtxtype=lmcomm&unique_system_identifier=2356015&location_number=1


I know there is a tower here at that location, but I've never gotten a signal from it. I've gotten a signal from the tower southeast of it near where Bancroft intersects the University/Parks Trail. But since it looks like it's licensed to Nextel for a bunch of 800 frequencies, does that mean we could expect LTE/1x800 service from this tower in the future? I don't really have my hopes up and I don't really know what to make of these kind of reports either but any thoughts? Here's a look at the tower on Street View too if that's significant... https://www.google.com/maps/@41.6731647,-83.6693035,3a,15y,353.9h,108.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYEhJhcp1c8cBPgj2zJed4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

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I've been doing some digging around for stuff around our area and found this... I don't know how accurate this site is but I found this pretty interesting: http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp?sourcepagename=antennachecktxreview&getpagename=pgtxdetail&cmdrequest=getpage&ipos=22&isubpos=1&strtxtype=lmcomm&unique_system_identifier=2356015&location_number=1


I know there is a tower here at that location, but I've never gotten a signal from it. I've gotten a signal from the tower southeast of it near where Bancroft intersects the University/Parks Trail. But since it looks like it's licensed to Nextel for a bunch of 800 frequencies, does that mean we could expect LTE/1x800 service from this tower in the future? I don't really have my hopes up and I don't really know what to make of these kind of reports either but any thoughts? Here's a look at the tower on Street View too if that's significant... https://www.google.com/maps/@41.6731647,-83.6693035,3a,15y,353.9h,108.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYEhJhcp1c8cBPgj2zJed4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That tower was a Nextel only site. There was never Sprint services running. Now they could make that into a IDEN conversion with 1900, 800 and 2500 in the future. Very possible.


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I had to do a double take to see which thread I was in, because there is a University Parks Drive in Waco, Texas. I thought for a moment I was in the Austin or DFW thread.


Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are Archbold and Wauseon part of our market? There was a lot of 1x800 there! First time experiencing 1x800... Wow! The range is incredible. I'm sure the power is way up since it's rural, but still.

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Are Archbold and Wauseon part of our market? There was a lot of 1x800 there! First time experiencing 1x800... Wow! The range is incredible. I'm sure the power is way up since it's rural, but still.

Yup sure are. I don't think those two have it cleared yet with ibez, but south of there and west there is. I think I found it in Stryker and west Unity . That's rural sites just wait till the city gets it. It'll be amazing for sure on voice and LTE


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Looks like you guys have got some 10x10 B25 carrier. The upload is almost as good as the download in the speed test. 26640/8640 is where Columbus' is and where it is in Erie, Huron and Sandusky counties in the Cleveland market. I Did this test at the SR-2 rest area in Ottawa County. The numbers aren't super impressive because I didn't have a strong signal. I also saw it in Lucas County too, but I suspect you've got more counties in your market where this wider carrier exists. One site I tested in Columbus market got me about 50 down and about 30 up...pretty darn good for B25 and especially is beneficial in rural areas where B41 doesn't reach or isn't deployed. Has anyone found it anywhere else in your market? Most of the counties in the Cleveland market can't have 10x10 at least where Sprint is deploying it now because they don't hold the license for any or enough of the adjacent PCS C block.


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Looks like you guys have got some 10x10 B25 carrier. The upload is almost as good as the download in the speed test. 26640/8740 is where Columbus' is and where it is in Erie, Huron and Sandusky counties in the Cleveland market. I Did this test at the SR-2 rest area in Ottawa County. The numbers aren't super impressive because I didn't have a strong signal. I also saw it in Lucas County too, but I suspect you've got more counties in your market where this wider carrier exists. One site I tested in Columbus market got me about 50 down and about 30 up...pretty darn good for B25 and especially is beneficial in rural areas where B41 doesn't reach or isn't deployed. Has anyone found it anywhere else in your market? Most of the counties in the Cleveland market can't have 10x10 at least where Sprint is deploying it now because they don't hold the license for any or enough of the adjacent PCS C block.



nice I just looked and yup 10X10. This at my house and I'm in Lucas county.


Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk



Both of these are from different towers in Toledo

Imgur Photo

Imgur Photo

Edit: Just got this one in the backyard

Imgur Photo

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Both of these are from different towers in Toledo



Edit: Just got this one in the backyard



The previous posters are talking about 10 MHz FDD on band 25.  Two of your three screenshots are band 41.  Not the same thing.



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Both of these are from different towers in Toledo



Yeah, your first speed test is about what I would expect to see for the 10x10 carrier, though looks somewhat loaded considering the signal strength. It still is certainly fast enough that most wouldn't complain about their data performance. Your other two are showing B41 in the notification bar. I'm jealous that you've got it. I live in a county that doesn't have it now, but could possibly stand a chance at getting it should Sprint decide to start refarming their PCS spectrum holdings. A couple counties in my market just plain don't have enough PCS spectrum to allow more than 1 5x5 carrier plus the CDMA voice and data services.

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how do you know you're connected to 10x10 using lte engineering screen?


also, i know this has nothing to do with 10x10 or even Sprint probably, but I have an HTC phone and while I have SCP, it drives me nuts that it only shows 1 bar for LTE unless the signal is -99dbm or better no matter the band. i wish i could fix that because -100ish on B41 is pretty decent and I think it should have more than 1 bar. it shows 1 bar many places i go and i think this is bad for many Sprint customers who don't have SCP and think their signal is always bad when in reality it's not. oh well.

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how do you know you're connected to 10x10 using lte engineering screen?


also, i know this has nothing to do with 10x10 or even Sprint probably, but I have an HTC phone and while I have SCP, it drives me nuts that it only shows 1 bar for LTE unless the signal is -99dbm or better no matter the band. i wish i could fix that because -100ish on B41 is pretty decent and I think it should have more than 1 bar. it shows 1 bar many places i go and i think this is bad for many Sprint customers who don't have SCP and think their signal is always bad when in reality it's not. oh well.


EARFCNs are the center frequency of the carrier.  In this case 8640/26640 is 1990MHz downlink and 1910Mhz uplink.  The nationally deployed standard 5x5 carrier is 8665/26665 (1992.5/1912.5) which are the center frequencies of the PCS G block which is 1990-1995/1910-1915MHz.  The center frequency of the 10x10 FDD carrier is sitting  on the C and G block boundary which are adjacent to each other.  The whole C block is 15MHz wide, but Sprint is only using the last 5MHz of the block plus the G block to form the wider carrier (a contiguous 10MHz).  Sprint does not hold the license for the entire C block for any of the counties in the Cleveland market, but they do at least hold the  1985-1990/1905-1910MHz portion in a handful of our western counties where 10x10 has been found.  I've seen engineering screens of newer devices that are CA capable show the bandwidth which is 10MHz in this case.  For older devices like mine, it is not shown.  The only way to really tell outside of a spectrum analyzer is that the upload speed in a speed test will especially be higher on average than any 5x5 carrier can accomplish.  I can barely crack 10Mbps upload in the best of conditions on a 5x5 carrier, and it usually doesn't take a whole lot of effort to exceed 10Mbps upload on a 10x10 carrier, plus the download speeds can easily hit 50Mbps when the signal is strong and the amount of traffic is low.


    To my knowledge this is the only place where a 10x10 carrier has been found so far, though Sprint does have different holdings in each county that in some cases are big enough to support a 10x10 carrier if Sprint chooses to put a 10x10 LTE carrier elsewhere.  Chances are that CDMA carriers in these portions would need to be moved to make it a reality.  I don't know the scope of logistical hurdles of doing that, or if that is even an option.  I have only seen 5x5 FDD carriers deployed in other blocks that are elsewhere in the PCS band.  Cleveland has at least two different 2nd carriers deployed depending on where you're located, but it has only been one or the other at any given location.



   Oh, and regarding the lackluster signal strength displayed in the notification area on devices, that was largely rectified with the android lollipop update.  The LTE thresholds were lowered significantly where a -99 RSRP signal or better now yields a full S-meter reading.  My only peeve with it is that I almost never see it drop below 2 bars before I get thrown onto 3G because the thresholds for 1 and 2 bars on LTE are lower than -120 which I only see on B41 once in a while and almost never on B25.

Edited by Joski1624
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The previous posters are talking about 10 MHz FDD on band 25.  Two of your three screenshots are band 41.  Not the same thing.




The first picture is band 25.


I thought I had something under the second picture when I posted that. I might have deleted it on accident when I edited the post with the third picture.

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The first picture is band 25.


Yes, but even the band 25 speed test screenshot does not confirm 10 MHz FDD.  It still could be 5 MHz FDD.



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The first picture is band 25.


I thought I had something under the second picture when I posted that. I might have deleted it on accident when I edited the post with the third picture.

if you look under your engineering screen the upload and download channel should match what my screen does with the numbers which would be 10X10 1900, if the numbers don't match than its likley a 5X5 which has been the normal for the area up until now with joski noticing it and me checking
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Thanks for the help.

It looks like the tower on Secor may have 10x10 B25 by looking at engineering screens. Performing better than B41 with relatively poor signal. Speeds not impressive though for this time on a Monday night.


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Hey just joined up had boost seen a performance boost, Switched to Sprint and have Note 5, I live downtown and i saw a crew put up band 41 panels, but has yet to be seen. I only pick up band 25 and to my surprise it was 10x10mhz,


Earfcn 8640


Edited by Kingtiger233
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