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Ntelos Towers

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Ntelos is a roaming partner, not even a company like Shentel that sells sprint service almost like a franchisee. Ntelos is under no obligation to update their towers, and does not have to follow sprints lead with network vision. Now would it be a good thing if they did deploy a NV type plan to maximize their roaming revenue & maintain their customers? Yes, but will they? Who knows... It would depend on their finances, sprint might eventually look at purchasing these smaller companies, but it will depend on regulatory approval.

Edited by Josh
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Hey there -- Does anyone know what's going to happen in areas which have no native Sprint Towers, i.e. they have Ntelos towers?




We have been discussing this in another thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2444-ntelos-4g-update/



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