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Pic of tower...can you identify the other carrier?


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Is that Sprint on the upper rack? Though the photo is not entirely clear, both sets of panels appear to be using RRUs. If so, that would seem to rule out VZW. Possibly AT&T?



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Second pic should be a bit more clear. There is a site about 1/3 of a mile down the road that I thought was AT&T. Both sites are behind businesses, so I'm not sure if I can clearly see the cabinets or utility meters for labeling without some footwork.


I'll get a full size crop up here in a few--does look like RRUs maybe....though the panels look smaller/thinner than the other Ericsson equipment around here. Maybe no 800MHz support?

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Here is a better pic from today.




Good grief, those birds might start feeling a bit "warm."



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Here's a crop of the top rack.


Could the top rack, then, be T-Mobile, the bottom rack, Sprint?



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Good grief, those birds might start feeling a bit "warm."



I think the tower isn't far from this house...one of my favorites.




As for the mystery panels, I think Sprint is the bottom rack. Upon closer inspection, they look like some of the rural panels I have pics of elsewhere. Ericsson must be putting at least two different kinds of panels up around here.

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I think the tower isn't far from this house...one of my favorites.




Be careful. You do not want to disturb "The Birds" with your camera shutter.




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Are you sure that's a Sprint site?

It is according to the database here (WT03XC038). I did not verify using signal levels. Google's Street View shows the tower minus the large panel in the middle of the bottom rack.


Here's a tight crop of that panel. http://glowingfields...8/IMG_2510s.jpg

Looks like Ericsson RRUs, but seems very basic in cabling. There's only a set of two coax lines to the RRUs. Only installed for 1900 maybe?


For visual comparison, here are three different setups I've seen:

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3 (and another)


Styles 2 and 3 may be the same equipment, just pictured with two different cabling configurations. Notice that 2 and 3 seem to have the same panels, but 2 has more cables indicating 1900 and 800. Also notice this style doesn't seem to have remote downtilt controllers--maybe that's the difference. Perhaps not every NV site will be remotely adjustable so they're using fixed panels at some sites.


EDIT: Just noticed--the connections on the examples for Styles 2 and 3 are on opposite sides of the panel, so perhaps there are at least three types of panels....

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