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time in Complete but blocked until LTE general use


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Anyone have a guess on the average time Sprint blocks a site thats complete? I know if its the first one in an area it will be longer. What's the longest a site has been complete but blocked?


Side question dose the sponsor section have a launched and working list.


Im getting real close to sending some cash. I would have already but things ave been tight last few years. Ok that and Im just cheap.

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There are a sites complete list that Rob updates every week in the sponsors section, there is also a running list of markets but does not require sponsorship but you get a lot of great info with becoming one.. donating 20 bucks would be good but we you can offer Rob would be welcomed


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Anyone have a guess on the average time Sprint blocks a site thats complete? I know if its the first one in an area it will be longer. What's the longest a site has been complete but blocked?


Side question dose the sponsor section have a launched and working list.


Im getting real close to sending some cash. I would have already but things ave been tight last few years. Ok that and Im just cheap.


We had some sites complete in early March but were blocked until Mid July. That was the longest. However, I don't think that's going to be typical anymore.


It is so variable though, its not really possible to answer your question. Early sites will likely be blocked longer than later sites within a market. Sprint doesn't block some sites ever, probably in error. However, most sites are blocked after Sprint accepts the site from the OEM until a market is pre launched or launched.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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