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How much data do you use per month?


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 5 February 2012


I used to use 2 to 3 gigs of data per month, but since I started using wifi more, it is down to about 700k. What does everyone else use per month?

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 5 February 2012


I don't even make it to a gig. Problem being I don't stream since I don't have a good 4G data source to make it worthwhile. I use Wi-Fi at home and EVDO takes too long with the speeds I get.

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I think last month was my second biggest month ever: I used 1.2GB on my phone (3G) and about 600MB of 4G data. I used far more 4G than I normally do as I happened to be stuck doing laundry and was in 4G coverage so watched almost an hour of Netflix while waiting.

On average I'd say I use very close to 1GB a month of 3G and generally no more than 200MB (if that) of 4G simply because I can't get 4G at home, only work.

The most I ever used was when my home DSL was out for 5 days...that month my total was 2.5GB of 3G since I did use the mobile hotspot as my primary web connection at home.

Way back in 2007 when an ice storm knocked out my home (cable) internet, I used a connection card I had on my employee plan (unlimited back then) and went through just under 11GB for the month on that line!

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For me, I average approx 3 - 4GB of 3G data per month. And around 1GB of 4G data per month. And I'm right around the 300MB threshold of 3G roaming data, since I use PRL 11115 and roam on Verizon 3G a lot.


My usage has dropped a lot since Mid 2011. I used to run about 5GB to 6GB of 3G per month. I seem to get a lot more WiFi access then I used to. I also think I am using streaming data less often, like Pandora and Netflix.

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I like streaming pandora through my truck's bluetooth, but I get really slow speeds on my commute, so I don't think I use as much data. Plus I only drive one out of 4 weeks (thanks carpool). They also installed a wifi hub right outside my office door, so rather than roaming on Verizon at work, I have 10 Mbps wifi. I just have to go in to the browser and agree to the T&C for the wifi that it auto routes you to a couple times a day, whenever the data apps stop working.

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I easily smoke 8-10GB of 3G data every month. With only one 4G tower in my area I don't really use it as my 3G speeds are consistently 1.5-2MB. Thank goodness for unlimited data.


Sent from my EVO 4G via Tapatalk

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