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On the main forums page, right side. Just above the "recent topics" section, and below the search box

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, I totally searched high and low as well and could not seem to find it either. I assumed once you logged in, a button would pop up saying something like "become sponsor" or something like that. My point is that I assumed it would only appear after you logged in so that said donation would be tied to your log in name. At any rate, I'm about to donate so that i can partake of some of that yummy "sponsor only" map goodness!

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Oh, I totally searched high and low as well and could not seem to find it either. I assumed once you logged in, a button would pop up saying something like "become sponsor" or something like that. My point is that I assumed it would only appear after you logged in so that said donation would be tied to your log in name. At any rate, I'm about to donate so that i can partake of some of that yummy "sponsor only" map goodness!


We have a thread in our General Topics section about Sponsorship: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/


Thank you for considering to become a sponsor.



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Thanks, guys. I am now a sponsor. I will donate more in the coming days and weeks (OMG I sound like HP/Palm..or Sprint w/ that corporate speak) as I do greatly appreciate the countless hours and work put into this baby!

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