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New Network Vision Photos and Performance Info from a new site in Beverly, Massachusetts



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Robert Herron
Sprint 4G Rollout Updates
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 10:49 PM MDT


S4GRU Member Cpeatridge follows along with all the latest information at Sprint 4G Rollout Updates, and then noticed one day that we were claiming that a site near him in Beverly, Massachusetts was updated. So Chris did what any other S4GRU follower would do...go investigate.

Chris was able to get several good shots of the site, including screen shots of performance tests. In the photos above the article, you can see the Sprint section of the tower, at the very top. In the photos, you can see the remote radio units (RRU's) and a new 800/1900 combined Network Vision panel, one per sector (side of the tower). The old legacy panels are still visible and not yet removed at this point. Chris performed some performance tests and was able to get consistent 100ms pings and download speeds over 2Mbps, with it slowing down to a still respectable 1.4Mbps at peak times. These are good improvements over the legacy 3G EVDO that was in the area.

We love bringing you stories of Network Vision improvements. Chris has shared his experiences. We cannot wait until Network Vision comes to you too!



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Just a heads up - I am guessing that Boston server test is towerstream. It always has very high latency (not sure why, as the speedtests are always pretty good).


The best speedtest server in the Boston area seems to be the New Hampshire "G4 Communications" server.


Great to see NV coming along in Mass! It would be awesome if there was a month-by-month map for Boston like you did for PR/VI :)


Thanks for the update! I bet we are going to start seeing a LOT more of these over the coming months. Only 2 more days until we start seeing 4G LTE speedtests popping up!!!

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