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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. So you guys saying to avoid the 5s because of the lack of triband?


    Damn I'm sick of google music. I want someway to play my huge itunes library. I'm still trying to talk myself into it.


    Sent from me phone

    The iPhone 5S/5C is dual band thats still a plus you get 1900/800 which is plus , but if you do choose to avoid , you could get a 5th Generation iPod Touch & build up ur iTunes library while you wait for the Tri-Band iPhone 6



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  2. Running great, although I'm seeing weird glitches. Randomly the device will not unlock by swiping the text message, and other times, when unlocking the screen, the sound does not play.

    I think Apple got rid of the unlock sound , I haven't heard it since Beta 5.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  3. Are you guys having issues with the 3G signal constantly dropping to 1x if there is no strong LTE? We have two phones running iOS 7 GM and 2 still on 6. When there is not LTE signal the 2 that are on 7 struggle to get data. The other two don't have this problem - demonstrated by using all 4 phones to try and get data in the same place - the two that have iOS 6 get 3G, the other two start off with 3G and within seconds drop to 1x and start getting error messages. I spoke to Sprint Tech Support and was told they don't support iOS 7, so I kept quiet waiting for public release. I did a clean install of GM, and both phones still have the same problem.

    I have that probably sometimes & im on iOS 7 Beta 6 , what I do to fix that issue is AirPlane Mode I turn it off & on & 3G usually comes back stable & strong.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  4. I disagree, I had a ton of fun in High School and enjoyed it very much.

    Thats might be true but everyones high school experience is different. I for one have hated school since day one , the whole idea of it pisses me off sitting in a class for 45$ learning bout stuff i'm most likely never gonna use in life , except The basic algebra & English & some electives i've chosen like Media (I wanna be a photographer) otherwise School is shit lml



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  5. I agree... now, if the iPhone 6 comes out with tri-band (which, here's hoping), I'll make that jump immediately, even if I have to buy off-subsidy.

    I think the iPhone 6 will be Tri-Band , by that time 2500/2600 mhz should be fully deployed or close & you guys should know Apple by now they wait last minute to do things. The screen size change took mad long , LTE took long too & they still didn't put NFC on the iPhone .



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  6. We already did. Become a sponsor, and you can see us in all our glory. How can you resist that?





    I'll do it soon I gotta buy school supplies first -_- being a Junior in High School sucks .



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  7. More people would have joined in if it was a sponsor thing I am sure. Just feels more like family there where people are more inclined to share real photos.

    Pretty clear that I need to become a sponsor , i'm gonna give 30$ to the site that should get me the base level sponsor ship for 6 months if im correct, hopefully you guys will actually share pictures of yourself on the sponsor section .



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  8. Basically iPhone 5S not worth the upgrade i'd only get it for 800 but thats not that much important. I'm highly disappointed with Apple & I wish they would've at least made it Tri-Band but nope. iOS 7 is really the only new thing in those whole Event.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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