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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. Damn! I'm slackin! I completely forgot about Sensorly.

    I stopped using Sensorly. As an iPhone user I just felt it was pointless, all it did was tell me where the LTE was, I couldn't map it. Hopefully that will change with iOS 8, Apple is opening up their system. [emoji119]



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  2. Got LTE as soon as I got on the Island , the panels were perched right on the building right in front of the bridge , i had LTE up until I walked to the beach. The signal didnt carry at all. Can't wait to upgrade. 3Gs good tho



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  3. My cousin lives in Rockaway Park so that's close enough. But yes, there is service in Rockaway Beach. There should even be decent LTE coverage there too. The only places around there that has poor coverage to my knowledge is when you drive towards Breezy Point, as if you are going to Riis Beach. On Riis Beach, I usually have one bar to two bars of 3G. Evn Verizon didn't have LTE out there. But then again, that was before Network Vision was a thing in that area.

    Thanks bro much appreciated.



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  4. No. And I'm glad they didn't. Carriers are currently hyping up VoLTE, but it's nothing to brag about. You lose coverage by switching to VoLTE.

    They're hyping it because Apple's iPhone 6 is supposedly going to support VoLTE. So Verizon , AT&T & T-Mobile are launching it, in upcoming preparation.



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  5. I have noticed LTE service in trains from w4 - Rockefeller center. It works in all stations except when it's actually through the tunnels

    It'd be cool if the signal could actually reach from station to station through the tunnels and everything. Maybe in the future… like 2030 [emoji23][emoji23]



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  6. I think this is impressive for such a weak connection, on any carrier.



    Thats regular for Sprint , it all depends on the tower though. I've been at 2 dots on certain towers & the signal is completely unusable.



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  7. It's just a rainstorm. :P

    Mi no likey [emoji135]. Traveling in these conditions isn't the best. Drivers lose their marbles over a little precipitation -_-. Then walking places man forget it. Walking half a block in this & your soaked, unless you have one of those super jumbo size Umbrellas that cover like half of ur body ;D. I had one from Six Flags & I left it in my Gym on the bleachers, went back for it & it was gone :(



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  8. We may be a bit tougher but damn these folks cant drive in the rain. Went to see a play and driving back was rough. Actually took the side streets and got home faster. Im begining to think that both the Van Wyke/GCP are trying to take over the title from the LIE as the worlds longest parking lot.

    But I got great LTE in Times Square this evening.


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    LTE's good there. Last time I was there I had a solid 3 bars. Penetration could use some work. 800 to the rescue !



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