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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. Lol , Moving on LTE in Elmont is seeing the light of day. Speeds are just above average 7-12 down , 2-5 up. Even when I don't have LTE , 3G is pretty stable .50 - 1.50 down & .50 up. I have no complaints with b25 or 3G. I'm just happy to see progress. I know im gonna be more than Happy when the Tri-Band iPhone 6 comes out ;)



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  2. Hopefully the iPhone 6 has band 41. If not then I am jumping ship to a different carrier. Verizon , ATT and T mobile have great speeds without a need for this triband stuff. Sprint cant expect me to change phones every time they upgrade their network... :blink:

    I'm pretty sure it will be, iPhone 5S/5C is Dual band & why would they do that now? Spark's officially announced, they'd just lose money in the long run if the next iPhone was STILL dual band.



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  3. You guys with your b41 are making me jealous. I really am missing out. Too bad I have a year left on my contract and absolutely love my 5s. Lol



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

    I got a couple months left then i'll be Tri-Band TEAMIPHONE6



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  4. There is no Band 26 in NYC yet. There are many sites that have both Band 25 and Band 41 on it. There are equally as many with just Band 25 and just Band 41.

    Have they even started to put B26 (800) on towers yet, in the New York Area I mean.



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  5. The sites on either side of the word "Elmont." I don't know if that covers where you are. I can't really say more than that, you'd need to be a Sponsor :/

    Ik which tower it is , its the one closer to boarder near Queens. Unfortunately that towers doesn't reach my house or school, but its a start :).



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  6. Is this the full extent of NV 3G. If it is, its amazing, the fastest i've ever seen on any 3G network besides ATT. Pretty clear to me that Sprints 3G/4G network is gonna be something serious when it's complete. Check it out. y4y9y3uz.jpgyqama7uj.jpg



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  7. Network Vision 3G or Na ? Lml Posted Image


    First 3G , then soon LTE yay. My phone has been connect to a distant tower idk where it is tho. The only tower that I could think of that has LTE is the one in Valley Stream but thats pretty far away from my current location.



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  8. I rarely ever venture out to SI and LI so maybe someone can chime in on those places.

    LI is good.

    A lot of spotty coverage though. There is a lot of gaps that need to be filled, but when I'm traveling on the LIRR going from Nassau County to Suffolk. I usually have LTE for a majority of the train ride. 3G on regular is pretty good. Even in my town lol.



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  9. That text went out to almost every Sprint subscriber. Even ones who no longer live in a Sprint coverage area. The consensus is it is just marketing, and doesn't mean much. Don't get expectations up too much.



    Not true. I have yet to receive any text messages from Sprint about the rollout of the network.



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  10. She did have the Apple 5s but she might get the g2. I been trying to sell her on Sprint so I think it's working. Of subject really quick. I'm in Denver and the past few days my 3g goes away and lte shows up on debug mode but not strong signal to show in status bar. Also it's been connecting on its own the past couple days. Doesn't stay on long. Does this mean they are testing or getting close to turning lte on? Thanks

    My phone does that too. At random moments it'll just connect to LTE. The signal is usually weak out the box but I usually take it with a grain of salt. I like to think that maybe one day they'll just power LTE & I will never have to deal with 3G again. Soon



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  11. As far as I know, there are no current Virgin Mobile devices that support Band 41. But should they release one, I would assume it would. However, there are rumors now that Sprint may jettison the Virgin brand. So there may never be a Virgin Band 41 capable device.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Jettison ?



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  12. Im a little sad. It's been a whole year and a half since Sprint started it's roll and I still don't have LTE in my town. Not a stable signal at least. I don't understand why Sprint can't just upgrade the two towers that govern my area. :'( WAA



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