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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Well again on 3xCA I saw only around 60 down, this is the same area a few months ago where I was averaging 100 on my Note 5. This says one thing to me, more people are on Sprint now which is slowing down the throughput which is ok because 60 down is more than fine it's great.
  2. I'm going to an area tonight that I always get great speeds, used to average about 100 down on my Note 5 with 2xCA, hoping to see double that with 3xCA on my S8+. Will report back.
  3. https://twitter.com/sprintnews/status/877980187048243204 Interesting video, Marcelo seems pretty confident.
  4. Very bold move, everyone I know switched to Android and never wants to go back to the playschool phone that is the iphone. This could bite them in the ass, considering most people on prepaid are not exactly bill gates.
  5. I can confirm this, what a stupid bug good thing I really don't ever use WiFi Calling. Yeah got the same yesterday, still doesn't seem to do shit it's a stupid feature I'll never use. Google now works just fine for the few times I am lazy.
  6. I'm certain if B41 was set to #1 the results would have been better, how better exactly? well I don't know but they would have been better.
  7. It has to be, I just forced B41 to be the #1 choice, B25 #2 and B26 #3 and it's made a real difference speed/coverage wise. I don't know why the default setup on the S8 is I believe B26, B25 then B41 which makes no sense.
  8. My trial still won't work, support was no help either. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  9. Fair point, I was expecting to see a difference compared to my Note 5 and I have yet to see any, in fact B41 seems weaker and I am on 3G more often. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  10. I've yet do see any difference with HPUE, a marketing gimmick.
  11. I noticed that earlier talking to my brother in law, I got him to ditch AT&T a few years ago, didn't see the hd icon and quality wasn't what hd voice should be. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  12. Haven't really heard much of any talk about them, but the included IEM's are phenomenal for free. My included Note 5 earphones were shit, totally different ballgame now. I'm a borderline audiophile and I LOVE these for free.
  13. My site when I am at home is a Mini Macro, was told that by the guy I talked to a few months back from Sprint but it comes across as clearwire, which makes sense because it's on top of a hospital and it used to be a WiMax site before the conversion, can't wait for it to be upgraded eventually. I pull even with a -80 or so dBm signal maybe 30Mbps, that's on a S8+ with HPUE with 2xCA it sucks.
  14. 5x5 of B26 or not, if you don't get it now you won't even with a 10x10 setup. Moreso lack of signal from your nearest tower, which at least in my opinion B26 is optimized like shit.
  15. As far as I've seen we still only have one 5x5 chunk of B25. Doesn't matter much though as I hardly ever see B25 it's always B41 and or B26.
  16. I've yet to run across 3xCA, mind you I haven't really left home in a few weeks (fuel pump went in my car) and I just got my phone on Monday but I've only seen 2xCA on my local clearwire tower which is as high as they support, went around the neighborhood today and only saw 2xCA as well, I thought 3xCA was more widespread?
  17. That's just how Sprint is, they're update those randomly.
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