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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. I am almost to the point of being over it, I am at home now couldn't even use my phone for music on the drive home as LTE just went offline. Still offline, 3G is unusable, had to listen to FM. *shivers* This has been happening a lot lately, unacceptable.
  2. That's my go to when clearing the cache and updating the prl or profile fails. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  3. Everything works as it should. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  4. I'm still debating what color I am going to get, might go with the light silver one definitely not black I've only ever had black phones time for something new. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  5. So two days later who is really enjoying the update? I'm really liking it. Haven't had any issues things are just really good. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  6. Yeah after hitting all of my usual spots I can say service is the same, as I said earlier though LTE connects a lot faster. Definitely happy with nougat, if the S8 is like this but better I will be extremely happy. Just really unsure of Qualcomm and their SoC and mode, the Shannon modem on the Exynos 7420 is amazing overall, hopefully things have gotten better. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  7. About the same more or less, definitely picks up LTE quicker though if I'm coming out of airplane mode or drop down to 3G. OVERALL a great update, also like the improvements to the Samsung keyboard, I can actually type on it now gboard has really been sucking lately so I'm happy. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  8. Not sure if this is good or not, 1h sot mostly on airplane mode at work due to shitty signal, some spotify and Pokemon go. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  9. LTE is just as good as ever, least in my house anyway I'll know better tomorrow. I also noticed the system font is different, I like it. Oh and the blue light filter is great, using it right now laying in bed. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah I saw that, which honestly is fine by me. Even the S8 is gonna have 1080p by default, you can always change it to 1440p if you want. I honestly don't see a real difference between the two which is great because hey it might make a decent dent in battery life.
  11. Yeah I was checking every morning when I woke up, glad I don't have to anymore.
  12. Hmm funny, guess the Note 5 is not relevant anymore but no android news sites that I follow have any news on it, not even Sammobile.
  13. Really liking it so far, just hope the signal is better and the battery improves a bit.
  14. Yay finally gonna install when I get home. ???? Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  15. I've had sim issues here and there but it usually goes away on its own, does suck when it happens though 3G sucks lol. I'm finding I'm holding onto LTE a lot better now than in the past as I said though go figure. Also feels like the screen sensitivity is crap too, can hardly type correctly at this point, a lot may have to do with my OtterBox defender but even on the weekends when it's naked it seems off. As I said I am ready for something new, just not looking forward to going with a Qualcomm CPU, I really like the optimization that the Exynos CPU brings to the experience. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  16. Mine has been fine go figure, this is my third Note 5. Got this one back in June due to signal issues, it's been fine besides the battery lol. Think I'll be going to the S8+ when it's available, time for something new I don't really ever use the spen so I think I'll be ok lol. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  17. Call me weird but I always wipe my lens before taking a shot, I don't see it being an issue. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  18. Yeah S8+ will be my new addition, looking to be great.
  19. I would but my battery is taking a crap fast, plus I want something new. Note 8 probably isn't gonna be much better, maybe 6GB ram and a pen. I could pass on that as I hardly ever use the pen on my 5.
  20. Happy to see the S8/8+ are HPUE enabled, would have sucked if they weren't. Looks like an S8+ is in my future to replace my Note 5.
  21. Which I would think means a better stronger signal, but I don't know. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  22. I agree even a single carrier of B41 is so much better, you're almost guaranteed at least 10+Mbps, even on a low signal. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  23. B41 is nice, but there are a lot of times when I am stuck on a basically useless signal when I should kick down to B26, but seeing as B26 is really unoptimized here B41 quickly becomes useless. Won't even kick down to B25. Which​ is marginally better than B41 at least in my area. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
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