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Posts posted by PedroDaGr8

  1. On 5/24/2022 at 10:26 AM, mikejeep said:

    They've become far more responsive on the Samsung Developer portal than they had been in the past; they now have a support ticketing system that they actually utilize. It's usually tricky for me to pursue anything unless I have the device in question in-hand, but I can try submitting something on your behalf if you can provide me with what they might ask for. Or you can check out https://developer.samsung.com/dashboard/support and try yourself.

    FYI I reported TA=0 on the A32 last night; I'll add a note that it happens on your device as well, I have all the info I need from your diagnostic reports.

    Hey Mike, a couple other things you might be able to post for S22Ultra owners, In particular, these deal with the *#0011# menu. The following are true for even the June update:


    1. Does not show the second n41 carrier (when it is connected) on LTE+NSA. It shows "NR_NumCC:2" but no additional Carrier. It simply states "CA-Not Config 0 0"This works fine on the S21. 

    2. There is a line that states "Code Review Required"

    3. There is a line that states "Unknown 0"



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  2. 4 hours ago, mdob07 said:

    The 2263 menu is still working post update thankfully. I noticed T-Mobile still hasn't added either n2 or n25, so the S22 they used for that 3gbps test must have been using custom firmware. Currently my S22 Ultra has n1 NSA, n3 NSA, n5 NSA, n7 NSA, n8 NSA, n20 NSA, n28 NSA, n38 NSA, n41 SA and NSA, n66 SA and NSA, n71 SA and NSA, n260 NSA, & n261 NSA on the NR5G Band preference menu. 

    So annoying, they also didn't add n258 either which they have been slowly rolling out. Also, they didn't fix the issue where the *#0011# menu doesn't show the second n41 carrier. At this point, it seems like the S21U is their chosen phone and they are intent on ignoring the S22. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, S4GRU said:

    They have been coming on live quickly in the South Sound when completed.  I wonder what the delay is up that way?  Maybe RF integration?


    I honestly have no clue, maybe someone like Ravirani could offer some insight. The only thing I can think of is that they are waiting on additional sites to come online so that they can optimize all of the sites at once. 

    The sites are:

    1. Cedar Park Christian School - Updated over a year ago, still not live. 
    2. Tower between Maltby and Woodinville - Updated a month ago (or so)
    3. Tower behind Safeway at intersection of Avondale and Woondinville-Duvall - Updated over a month ago
    4. The tower on top of the Motel 6 in Totem Lake - Updated about a month ago at this point. 
    5. Tower at intersection of Bellevue Way and NE 24th St. in Bellevue - Updated at least a month ago
    6. The aforementioned tower at the 85th/405 intersection. 
  4. The rooftop Sprint Keep site at the 85th/405 interchange in Kirkland has been upgraded but isn't live. That makes 6 towers so far which have been upgraded over the past few months but aren't live. 

    At this point, there are only a handful Sprint Keep sites left that haven't been upgraded yet. Specifically, Carillon Point (permit issued), the other Sprint Keep site at the 85th/405 interchange in Kirkland (permitted), the Hollywood Hills tower in Woodinville/unincorp King County, and the mini macro tower in Kenmore.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, jreuschl said:

    Must be nice. T-Mobile is slacking on approval this month. 

    I saw there are already two June updates released on some phones. Last month there were two May updates and TMo waited and rolled them all into one. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, RedSpark said:

    Is sufficient backhaul already laid to the sites, or will new lines have to be dug/run/provisioned?

    Based on what my local ISP has posted, fiber is nice in that you don't have to dig it up and replace it. You just pair it up with equipment on each end. They mentioned that because they have fiber which was laid in the early 80s carrying 100s of Gb/s of data today. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Looks like T-Mobile is shifting the focus of their network expansion from just trying to hit POP targets to actually covering as many square miles as Verizon.

    From T-Mobile CEO dishes on 5G enterprise, ‘torture test’ coverage goals


    This falls in line with some of their recent moves in the more rural parts of WA state. Highways and state roads which were previously dead zones are now starting to get coverage and not just token coverage like Sprint used to do. Now if they could just cover St. Helen's in the same way. 

    • Like 4
  8. The main n41 channel was just moved up to 2639MHz this morning.  This means that channel spans from 2589MHz-2689MHz. With Sprint B41 at 2501.5MHz, and TMobile B41 spanning 2508MHz-2548MHz. That leaves room for a 40MHz n41 channel. If they drop one of the TMobile B41 channels, they could easily expand that to 60MHz. This all in line with their permit filings which indicate a second n41 carrier of <=80MHz.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, xmx1024 said:

    The convert site behind Target at Alderwood may be active now, and potentially the conversion site by 196th / Alderwood mall PKWY

    T-Mobile wasn't on the tower behind Target, they were on the power pylon nearby.  I've seen a number of conversions but not one where T-Mobile was already on the same tower.

    That being said, I drove by there this morning going to the Costco Business Center and neither appeared to be live yet. 

  10. 18 hours ago, PedroDaGr8 said:

    Actually, I take back what I just said about conversions being slow. Apparently it has been Woodinville/Maltby upgrade month. Driving around today during lunch break, I discovered:

    • The Maltby tower (eNB 84578) has been upgraded to the full suite of bands (2/12/41/66/71)
    • Workers were busy converting the Sprint Conversion Tower (89059) just west of the Maltby tower. It appeared it was also getting the full suite of bands but wasn't live yet. 
    • The tower at the intersection of Avondale/Woodinville-Duvall, behind the Safeway, (84788) had been upgraded with the full suite of bands but wasn't live yet.
    • The tower over by Cottage Lake (84696) had been upgraded from 12/66 to all bands except 41. This is one of the few towers I have encountered which were upgraded and DIDN'T get B41. 

    I forgot to add, T-Mobile was already on that Sprint Keep Tower but on a lower rack. Sure enough, all of the new T-Mobile equipment is on the top rack (where Sprint used to be). This is the first conversion I have seen in the area where the Keep PLMN was used to denote T-Mobile was taking over Sprint's rack. I'm sure that has been very common in other areas. 

    • Like 4
  11. Actually, I take back what I just said about conversions being slow. Apparently it has been Woodinville/Maltby upgrade month. Driving around today during lunch break, I discovered:

    • The Maltby tower (eNB 84578) has been upgraded to the full suite of bands (2/12/41/66/71)
    • Workers were busy converting the Sprint Conversion Tower (89059) just west of the Maltby tower. It appeared it was also getting the full suite of bands but wasn't live yet. 
    • The tower at the intersection of Avondale/Woodinville-Duvall, behind the Safeway, (84788) had been upgraded with the full suite of bands but wasn't live yet.
    • The tower over by Cottage Lake (84696) had been upgraded from 12/66 to all bands except 41. This is one of the few towers I have encountered which were upgraded and DIDN'T get B41. 
    • Like 2
  12. Seems like updates have stalled out around here. A number of permits ready for issue or issued but none of the sites having installations done. For example, the Motel 6 site hasn't changed since they removed the equipment.

    I've heard rumors that the chip shortage was impacting rru/antenna production. Not sure if it's that or something else but really have a dozen permitted sites are sitting unchanged right now. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Hatstrow said:
    Thought I would add some more content to our West Michigan Market forum, with some 5G upgrades happening around lower Michigan since there hasn't been much activity on here recently. My local T-Mobile tower has gotten some more upgrades in Union City, MI, which happened on April 11th. Not entirely sure what kind of changes they are doing on the sector, but they have installed some smaller antennas on the sector (bottom is T-Mobile). I would assume this is for adding 5G Ultra Capacity support on n41. I have yet to see any indication of that being enabled (using my iPhone 13 Pro as a test device). Band 41 used to be on all the Sprint towers nearby (there are about 2 within 3 miles), but have mostly been turned off, so I would assume they would be using the old band 41 frequency for 5G.
    This T-Mobile tower was suffering from capacity issues for almost a year now, but ever since this upgrades, the speeds have greatly improved. I used to be seeing anywhere from 5 to 30 Mbps download and 30 Mbps upload. Now I have seen upwards of 80 Mbps download and 55 upload on band 2 15 MHz 5G NSA, though the speeds have been fluctuating lately. Awesome to see T-Mobile moving so fast in improving the network and towers around this rural area; especially with 5G. 


    Those definitely look B41/n41 panels. 

    • Like 3
  14. 11 hours ago, PedroDaGr8 said:

    FYI, Samsung is offering 40% off on the GalaxyWatch4+$50 Google Play gift card for new S22 owners. This discount stacks with educational and employer discounts like PerksAtWork. 

    After EPP I got the watch, a $50 Google Play gift card, and 60-days of Strava free for $129.59. They even offer free next day pickup at BestBuy.

    Link details:



    Edit: And an hour after I ordered I got notice my watch was ready for pickup at BestBuy and I already have it. 

    This 40% off deal also applies to the 45W charger and a number of other accessories. Just go to the store homepage and click on the link that says:

    A special offer just for you - As a new Galaxy S22 Series owner, get up to an extra 30% off select Galaxy Watches, Buds and more.

    Despite it saying 30% it is taking 40% off for me.

  15. FYI, Samsung is offering 40% off on the GalaxyWatch4+$50 Google Play gift card for new S22 owners. This discount stacks with educational and employer discounts like PerksAtWork. 

    After EPP I got the watch, a $50 Google Play gift card, and 60-days of Strava free for $129.59. They even offer free next day pickup at BestBuy.

    Link details:



    Edit: And an hour after I ordered I got notice my watch was ready for pickup at BestBuy and I already have it. 

  16. 19 hours ago, jreuschl said:

    zzz..  Waiting for April update!  Has been available internationally but I'm guessing the US carriers are taking their time approving it.

    Mentions of the update rolling out for Verizon over on Reddit. Likely TMO won't be far behind. 

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