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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. Looks like no soccer today. Dang.

  2. I hate when an online retailer asks for a card type. Your system can't tell that Visa begins with a 4, MC with a 5, etc? Dumb.

  3. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daniel Johnston (200), Bud Powell (65) & Thelonious Monk (40) http://t.co/qe8ffvLXlX

  4. Can wheels come off a #pirate ship?#stlcards

  5. RT @OldHossRadbourn: If you would like some hard-hitting, statistically-driven analysis of the Dodgers-Braves series, do not click... http:…

  6. The new Deltron 3030 is so great. Worth the wait.

  7. I was waiting for it, and @zeldman delivered: Madvillainy tracks in the conference hall. #aeaaus

  8. I think @zeldman and @meyerweb just blew my workout this morning. #aeaatx http://t.co/85iij4dpaq

  9. RT @andrewpautler: So true! "Generate a definition of success that is separate from taste" — @samanthatoy

  10. RT @neiltyson: In 5-billion years the Sun will expand & engulf our orbit as the charred ember that was once Earth vaporizes. Have a nice day

  11. Steelers at 0-4, #stlcards sweep the Cubs, and finish with NL's best record. I'll take it!

  12. It never gets old watching grown men dump alcohol all over each other and the media in celebration.

  13. Cooking up MF DOOM's food references from MM..FOOD. http://t.co/0I1050lEwS

  14. My phone did a speedtest at T3 speeds on LTE band 41. Heh. Time to update the exhibit, Science Center. http://t.co/spvzrMqaHB

  15. Drinking and driving a mobility scooter. At the zoo. At 11:30am. http://t.co/hEuARawrAU

  16. There's a garbage time TD. Good on ya, Rams.

  17. Stuck on the 40 entrance ramp from Lindbergh. Parking lot.

  18. The most realistic thing about FIFA 14 for iOS? You can buy off FIFA to get ahead: http://t.co/lwiMgNIkc5

  19. I see you, 10-month-old Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. GET IN MY BELLY.

  20. I just bought gas at $3.129/gal. feelsgoodman.jpg

  21. RT @asymco: World's largest company in the world's largest technology industry surprises almost everyone every time.

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