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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. RT @TomBradysEgo: Biggest reason why the Steelers are 0-2 http://t.co/mObs9EgTkv

  2. "Today is a perfect day for the zoo!"- everyone in St. Louis

  3. That and the whole no defense/shitty tackling thing.

  4. Pretty excited to cut the suddenly really tall grass tonight. Excited because We have Oktoberfest beers chilling.

  5. Haha, nice try Parents magazine. NOBODY I know with kids has the time to make this stuff: http://t.co/GdFNAfhU9W

  6. That awkward moment when a recruiter randomly fires off a LinkedIn message about an opportunity at a previous place of employ.

  7. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Earl Sweatshirt (29), Janelle Monáe (22) & Why? (13) http://t.co/qe8ffvLXlX

  8. The new Siri voice dictation in iOS 7 is awesome.

  9. Perpetual sickness at daycares in the fall is the dark part of parenting that nobody tells you about. #croup

  10. My favorite part about iOS7 are the constant blog posts about app updates.

  11. iTunes 11.1.0 is available via software update, for you iOS 7 upgrade-mad folks. You'll need 11.1.0 to manage your device, post-install.

  12. Random question: do stores still buy used CDs?

  13. Being a parent means being up for 2 hours randomly in the middle of the night.

  14. Jon Jay is always trying to keep the Blackmon down. #stlcards

  15. I wonder if Chip Kelly has a 4 second play in his super fast Eagles offense?

  16. I can't wait to rid myself of the 30-pin iOS pox.

  17. I think our neighbors are trying to start a forest fire. The bonfire flames are reaching to the stars, maaaaan.

  18. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Man Man (64), Earl Sweatshirt (29) & Why? (13) http://t.co/qe8ffvLXlX

  19. My car is getting a firmware update.What year is this?

  20. D&B charge $448 to verify a business? That Apple Dev account for $99 seems like a real bargain.

  21. I bricked my iPad installing the iOS 7 GM. Looks like it's an iOS 6.1 world until 9/18.

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