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Everything posted by sbolen

  1. Gotta admit, that's really tempting. Especially with the global data stuff. I may end up in China and the Philippines next month for work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. But you can't get there because of the trolley. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/xkCt5usIpz

  3. It’s one thing to be a good designer, but another to design with accessibility in mind. #deardiary #ux

  4. RT @nevona: hi i'm ted cruz, definitely not three toddlers stacked no sir http://t.co/WlRSO1f0MY

  5. Why can't a hologram of Amy Winehouse play Rizzo? #GreaseLive

  6. My 72 year old dad needs to go to a brick & mortar store to understand plans. I'd imagine that he's not alone, and that's the value that an in-person transaction can bring. It's also a customer touch point. You can garner a lot of brand equity with customer service in-store. It strengthens relationships. (Of course, that knife cuts both ways) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. You usually get way better quality portrait photos on Flickr than a Google images search. At least, I do.

  8. Muscle relaxers & steroids. That's how Urgent Care treats a locked-up back.

  9. HOT DAMN, BOURBON COUNTY ???? @ Brasserie by Niche https://t.co/yqOlNSCgdu

  10. RT @pattonoswalt: When are they gonna let that YouTube guy who makes puppets out of his scrotum ask the candidates about clean energy? #GOP

  11. My wife sent emails to Tim Cook begging for the smaller phone. She's yet to experience the tri-band goodness, which will really make her experience on Sprint great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. RT @Matt_Farley: Looks like the Ammon Bundy clan will realize their dream of living on federal property rent free after all. https://t.co/o…

  13. Nobody can resist the Shamrock Shake. Not even Ammon Bundy. #truth

  14. Now, for the dulcet sleepy-time sounds of Ornette Coleman!

  15. RT @CaseyNeistat: SNOWBOARD TIMES SQUARE 2016, have you seen it?? - https://t.co/rlFIQeZF0m https://t.co/cblaVsT5iX

  16. Anyone planning on buying the rumored 4" iPhone 5se? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Along 170 from Olive to Delmar & on 70 by the airport. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I'm starting to see Extended Network LTE at places I've had solid Sprint LTE. Wonder what's going on... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. If you had one question to ask John Mabry, what would it be?

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