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Everything posted by sbolen

  1. I used a photo of Borat in a presentation today, so I have they going for me, which is nice.

  2. RT @darth: ew ted cruz just pulled off his mask and it is just another ted cruz underneath https://t.co/pxLozrMqpk

  3. I love our Magnolia tree in full bloom. https://t.co/rKtvhaeAog

  4. This SEC Championship game is legit.

  5. I really hope @4HandsBrewery makes Absence of Light available year-round.

  6. Toddler hot dog breath is the worst.

  7. My work phone is an AT&T iPhone 6S Plus. Part of my job requires me to travel all over the US (and eventually parts of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim). I've experienced the degradation of AT&T data service in nearly every major city I've visited over the past year. Co-workers have asked me many times why I still have a personal phone/carry two devices on the road -- honestly, it's because I need Sprint to provide reliable data/call/text quality in areas where AT&T is overwhelmed or just flat-out poor. If I were AT&T, I'd seriously start dumping tons of money into Network/infrastructure upgrades. It's no joke that Sprint & T-Mobile will eventually out perform AT&T in the major markets unless AT&T opens up the vault and pays up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Shorter Rubio: “I want to ram things down your throat.” #GOPDebate

  9. Had a genuinely good time at the Blues game tonight. I sat next to an Aussie Blackhawks fan - that bandwagon has shrimps on the barbie.

  10. Weird call, tbh. It's a hit. It's hockey.

  11. My cat is an all star ball smasher when jumping on my lap. Goddamnit.

  12. "Your handwriting becomes progressively worse the more fields you fill out in a multi-page, hand-written form." - Bolen's Law

  13. RT @mattyglesias: I hope this ends with Clinton and Sanders debating Nirvana vs Pearl Jam.

  14. Sinus infection/pressure kept me from a 12 mile run today. I'm not looking forward to making that one up during the week.

  15. RT @EricKleefeld: Remember when Bobby Jindal was celebrated as one of the GOP's eggheads? He systematically bankrupted Louisiana. https://t…

  16. RT @Sensi: Sensi Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat now works with Amazon Echo! https://t.co/09wZh8qu4B https://t.co/sRwvGLGHlD

  17. Glad I held S through the valley of darkness. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. RT @fordm: ???? GOP establishment strategy└???? 2016 └???? Primary └???? Stopping Donald Trump └ ???? yakety-sax.mp3

  19. Bake him away, toys.

  20. We have Girl Scout cookies in the house. Good thing I went out for a long run this morning!

  21. 4 messages, received out of order, from "Sam Taylor" on the STL Sanders campaign. Get it together, guys. https://t.co/uZQpmsLjpt

  22. I'm selling my iPad Air 2 on Swappa, if anyone's looking: https://t.co/0Fnr7nwtwl

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