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Everything posted by djmiro83

  1. This is soooo true. Granted, I've been guilty to squeeze a couple dollars out of Sprint here and there... I still stick with them knowing what the future holds with their network. I just wish more folks will be patient with the deployment.
  2. I'm at BP Cantera 2 (Warrenville, Illinois) https://t.co/SvxSw73o

  3. I'm at Walgreens (Warrenville, IL) http://t.co/iKJoBQ3C

  4. I'm at BP Cantera 2 (Warrenville, Illinois) http://t.co/bGKUzEbD

  5. I'm at Meijer (Oswego, IL) http://t.co/JMW8lZEh

  6. I'm at Walmart Supercenter (Montgomery, IL) w/ 2 others http://t.co/xzbYIX4f

  7. I'm at Panera Bread (Naperville, IL) http://t.co/KhYR4lm9

  8. I'm at Oberweis Dairy (Oswego, IL) http://t.co/ujEUgFyp

  9. Went to @Starbucks today and tried the new #starbucksrefreshers It was awesome. Cool lime was sooo... REFRESHING! :D

  10. I'm at Home Goods (Geneva, Illinois) http://t.co/RSqc8kVQ

  11. I'm at Starbucks (Geneva, IL) http://t.co/rFzdQWQS

  12. Sweet, thanks!!! Sent from my JB iPhone 4S using Forum Runner
  13. Sweet, thanks!!! Sent from my JB iPhone 4S using Forum Runner
  14. I doubt it. I'm willing to bet what's happened in other markets where LTE will be up a while, then block the general public will happen here. Sent from my JB iPhone 4S using Forum Runner
  15. I'm at CVS Pharmacy (Aurora, IL) http://t.co/7Omr1u06

  16. Can you try to test the tower by Eola and Hafenrichter roads? I'm curious if LTE is live over here. 95th and 59 is like 5 mins from that intersection, so I wonder if tower CH03XC684 is live on LTE as well. Sent from my JB iPhone 4S using Forum Runner
  17. I'm at Marinkovich/Ryan Home (Aurora, IL) http://t.co/m3jBow0q

  18. I'm at BP Cantera 2 (Warrenville, Illinois) http://t.co/4sg2LIzI

  19. I'm at McDonalds (Oswego, IL) http://t.co/9BzeSo1e

  20. LOL, and I just had wings for lunch... mmmm Anyhoo, sorry, I didn't take your post incorrectly either... was just making sure we're all on the same page
  21. I'm at Crosstown Pub And Grill (Naperville, IL) http://t.co/naXz4cmx

  22. Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to call BS on the 2-5 weeks, I was more surprised about it considering how complex this market has proved for the field techs out there. But, you do make a good point that the back haul upgrades are starting to ramp up.... which is a real good thing
  23. Is the average only 2-5 weeks? For my site, the Antenna/RRU/Cabinets went in on 3/8 and went live on NV 3/19. However, I didn't see backhaul come live until 7/11. I know you stated average... but I would think for my site, that would skew the average pretty bad
  24. I'm at BP Cantera 2 (Warrenville, Illinois) http://t.co/mOGtkRZ4

  25. Crunchy honey garlic chicken http://t.co/WYiMY6Qm

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