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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. I am with you. I would love for our local utility (FPL) to wire everybody for fiber.
  2. Once the network modernization is finished, I fully expect Sprint to return to profitability. It will never attain the margins of the big 2. Heck, it had positive cash flow during the doldrum years and the losses were due to depreciation.
  3. We need FTTH in this country to truly compete with cable. I don't know why AT&T/Verizon won't make the investment. Cord cutting is real. OTT over fiber/wireless is where it's at.
  4. They have $130B debt from the Vodafone share purchase alone. They can't afford to take another $50B+ of debt. Dish's future is with either Sprint or T-Mobile.
  5. Let's think about this. Both Sprint and T-Mobile have to spread both capex and opex + debt service for a nationwide network over a much smaller customer base. They will never attain the margins that the other two will. They will always be behind. They will always be disadvantaged. So why not share a network and reduce their per customer expenses? Well, it has not happened yet, has it? How will Sprint or T-Mobile then be poaching customers from each other if they can't crow about their superior network? If they don't compete against each other, the regulators might get suspicious.
  6. Never said that the spectrum swap was going to be usable overnight. But band 25 can be extended if Sprint so wanted. Let me say it again. Sprint will not be able to use all of the 160MHz of band 41 for mobile broadband. No way no how. They can use about 60MHz , which is basically BRS. The rest goes to a joint venture with Dish. Sprint extends their PCS spectrum holdings and they get way down on the spectrum screen. They also get to host Dish/EBS spectrum helping to ease the cost of LTE deployment. They create another broadband competitor which gives them a few brownie points. I do believe that Sprint and T-Mobile should wait until after the 600Mhz auction to merge.
  7. Interesting perspective by Verizon's McAdam: I think that AT&T and Verizon are OK with the Sprint/T-Mobile merger. T-Mobile/DT definitely are. I think that if Sprint does a spectrum swap with Dish and then hosts Dish's spectrum in a joint venture that will concentrate on fixed broadband, then the merger will be acceptable to the feds.
  8. I don't want Softbank to buy Dish. I want them in a JV and I want a spectrum swap.
  9. If I was the FCC/DOJ, I would force AT&T to divest the landline division, I don't want them to be a choke point to the delivery of video over three different media: Satellite, broadband and wireless.
  10. For a really deep analysis of the DirectTV/AT&T merger as it pertains to Dish/Sprint, read Tim Farrar's blog: http://tmfassociates.com/blog/
  11. So, this move eliminates one of the pay TV competitors. So if this merger is approved we will have: AT&T/DirectTV or Verizon, Dish and a cable co. So if they want 4 competitors for wireless, why not 4 competitors for payTV? AT&T has about 6M customers for UVerse and DirectTV will have 20Million. If the FCC/DOJ wanted to encourage FTTH, this will pretty much kill it.
  12. In areas that UVerse covers they compete directly. In areas where there's no UVerse, AT&T overs DirectTV bundles. In those areas, something has to go since you are eliminating a competitor.
  13. If Dish brings unstable revenue from a legacy technology, why do you think AT&T is paying $49B for DirectTV? How will non-legacy technologies handle 4K streams? Heck, Sprint does not allow more than 1Mb stream. Now granted if you can devote all of BRS/EBS you can handle many 4K streams, but that's where you need Dish since they can get the licensing from the content owners. So a Sprint/Dish joint venture would be a great thing. I think Sprint/Softbank might need to act soon because I see a Verizon/Dish tie-up otherwise. Dish will not stand alone.
  14. More like 30x10. They will have to do a few gyrations before that like switch down and downlink of the 20x20Mhz slice they own in the 2000-2020 and 2180-2200MHz band. Even without merging they could swap the 2000-2020MHz downlink+PCS Block H for some EBS spectrum fromSprint I also expect Dish to be active in the AWS-3 auction grabbing the 1755-1780MHz uplink to pair with orphaned 2180-2020MHz downlink.
  15. Dish wants to use their spectrum to do OTT video, VOD, basically to appeal to cord cutters. He wants to cannibalize his own network before somebody else does.
  16. An interesting article on Light reading on some recent technical advancements: 1. Full duplex wireless (great for TDD, it obviates the need for FDD) 2. WAM that replaces QAM and promises 10db better performance 3. pCell - Well we all know about that one For more details: http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/5g/radio-revolutions-on-the-road-to-5g/a/d-id/709060?
  17. Well, the fact that EBS is included in the screen is concerning to me because it forces Sprint's hand. I have long advocated that Sprint do something with EBS with the most preferable being exchange it for Dish's spectrum and then host it for them for fixed broadband. Now they definitely need to do it which means Dish can drive a hard bargain.
  18. There just are not that many people to reband and you don't have to deal with PS. It will be a breeze compared with the 800MHz rebanding.
  19. Here's a good article on urgentcomm.com: http://urgentcomm.com/fcc/wireless-trade-organizations-seek-transform-900-mhz-lmr-spectrum-lte-use?page=1
  20. Sprint has 2.5MHz-3MHz of interleaved spectrum in the 900Mhz SMR band.
  21. I hope they do something with their 900MHz SMR spectrum. They need to rationalize their spectrum holdings. And yes I know about the 3MHz LTE slice planned for that spectrum. The best that Sprint can do is sell it to a utility consortium to be used for smart grid applications.
  22. I don't think that kind of logic will fly with the feds.
  23. It makes as much sense as having a landline telco own a wireless network.
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