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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. I Who will bid for a unpaired chunk of spectrum that cannot be used for downlink?
  2. Some more info: Licenses available: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration concluded that the 1695-1710 MHz band could be reallocated from federal to commercial use "subject to geographic sharing requirements based on establishing exclusion zones around specified federal meteorological-satellite earth station sites," specifically at 18 sites around the country. The spectrum has been identified as uplink spectrum and CTIA would like to see it paired with 15 MHz of downlink spectrum. Read more: 1695-1710 MHz (to be paired with 15 MHz of spectrum) - Spectrum auction guide - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/special-reports/1695-1710-mhz-be-paired-15-mhz-spectrum-spectrum-auction-guide#ixzz2wbABliTu From the graphic in that articles it seems to be adjacent to the uplink portion of AWS-1.
  3. "One unpaired 5 MHz block (1695-1700 MHz) and one unpaired 10 MHz block (1700-1710 MHz), licensed in Economic Area (EA) geographies." What is it next to?
  4. Who will go for the TDD portion? Dish?
  5. The FCC has said that at its March 31 open meeting the five-member panel will "consider a Report and Order that would adopt allocation, licensing, service, and technical rules to make available for auction 65 MHz of AWS-3 spectrum for flexible use services, including mobile broadband." The FCC is proposing to auction the 1695-1710 MHz, 1755-1780 MHz, and 2155-2180 MHz bands, collectively known as AWS-3. Congress has directed the FCC to allocate and license the 2155-2180 MHz band by February 2015. According to an FCC official familiar with proposal for the AWS-3 auction, the auction will have two sub-bands, each with its own band plan. One of the sub-bands will consist of one unpaired 5 MHz block (1695-1700 MHz) and one unpaired 10 MHz block (1700-1710 MHz), licensed in Economic Area (EA) geographies. The other sub-band will consist of paired spectrum: one 5x5 MHz block (1755-1760 and 2155-2160 MHz) licensed in Cellular Market Area (CMA) geographies, and two 10x10 MHz blocks (1760-1770 and 2160-2170 MHz, and then 1770-1780 and 2170-2180 MHz) licensed in EA geographies. Read more: AT&T praises FCC's license and band plans for AWS-3 auction - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/att-praises-fccs-plans-aws-3-auction/2014-03-18#ixzz2wNNDuKY7 I don't see Sprint participating in this auction, do you?
  6. Sprint, not Softbank had to borrow the money to deploy LTE, so the combined company would have to borrow the money to expand the network or purchase 600MHz spectrum, not Softbank. Softbank would just borrow the money to buy T-Mobile shares from DT.
  7. But that would be Softbank's debt, not Sprint's. It won't be sprint acquiring T-Mobile, it will be Softbank, then merging the two. Sprint's debt and T-Mobile's debt will be assumed by the new company.
  8. The merger with T-Mobile is about scale. It is not about spectrum. It is about the ability to spread the overhead of network upgrading and upkeep over as many people as possible. It is about buying power with the handset vendors or the network vendors. Now, had Sprint and T-Mobile been smart, they would have adopted network sharing a long time ago and maybe even banded together to purchase handsets en masse. But they did not. Now the only real benefit is the savings from network ops, overhead, employees and buying power. They might even be able to afford expanding coverage to exurban and rural areas. Or a substantial chunk of 600Mhz spectrum.
  9. T-mobile is doing a completely different kind of rebanding. IDEN was dead. Heck, Nextel was looking for a CDMA migration path before the Flash-OFDM experiment.
  10. APPENDIX D Spectrum Divestitures by AT&T Market Market Name Amount and Type of Spectrum CMA 101 Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX 20 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 109 Spokane, WA 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 112 Corpus Christi, TX 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 128 McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 162 Brownsville-Harlingen, TX 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 171 Reno, NV 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 197 Lake Charles, LA 20 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 281 Laredo, TX 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 432 Kansas 5 – Brown 10 megahertz AWS-1 (Atchison, Doniphan and Leavenworth counties) 10 megahertz PCS (Brown and Jackson counties) CMA 545 Nevada 3 - Storey 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 669 Texas 18 - Edwards 10 megahertz AWS-1 CMA 671 Texas 20 – Wilson (Aransas, Bee, Refugio, Karnes and Wilson counties only) 10 megahertz AWS-1 (Aransas, Bee and Refugio counties) 10 megahertz PCS (Karnes and Wilson counties) Would Sprint be interested in any of these?
  11. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/fcc-approves-atts-acquisition-leap-handing-over-cricket-brand/2014-03-13 and right on cue, the rich get richer
  12. Thank you lord, thank you J... . What people don't understand is that those airwaves were given to the stations free of charge, and now we have broadcasters threatening to go cable only or internet only because Aereo retransmits their signals, thus extending their reach. Same with cable! If you're going to charge cable and aereo for retransmitting your signals, we will charge you for the airwaves. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
  13. You sell commercials. The re-transmission fees are illegal, unless the cable co adds it's own commercials.
  14. Spare me the tears... Crap stations that serve only to sell commercials. More commercials than content. Annoying as heck.
  15. I am talking about flooding the market with compatible devices.
  16. I must be hallucinating! Joan Lappin saying something good about Sprint (well not about Sprint, more about Masa).
  17. The best thing they can do is to make phones that can access both LTE networks. It will take at least 2-3 years to integrate the two networks.
  18. Oh, yeah, there are still alot of concessions to be made: 1. Increasing+thickening coverage to match AT&T 2. Divesting EBS+T-Mobile's network to Dish which will then offer wireless broadband 3. Promising a price war 4. World Peace ????
  19. Maybe with roaming voice coverage, but not native and definitely not data coverage of anything better than 1x speeds.
  20. No freaking possible way Sprint coverage is equivalent to AT&T's. Maybe in two years, maybe outside IBEZ. Not now. If they acquire USCC maybe in certain areas
  21. Sprint and T-Mobile's coverage and the difference between theirs and the Verizon/AT&T is priced in their respective plans. If coverage in the middle of nowhere in Kansas is important to you, then you pay the Verizon/AT&T coverage tax. If it isn't then you choose the other two. You don't think that extensive coverage is free do you? Let's face it, T-Mobile's paying off your ETF is somewhat of a scam because you have to trade in your phone. If your phone is not up to par, then the payout is not going to be the maximum. I give them credit for foisting this scam on the unsuspecting public. Just like thei uncarrier thing. Do you think that the uncarrier thing is good for the public? Heck no, It's good for the carriers. You don't get the $200 phone discount.
  22. No, really, T-Mobile raised prices because they want to stop losing money? Who would have thought ? And to hear all those pundits that thought that T-Mobile would start a price war. While I applaud them for decoupling the cost of the handset from the cost of service, it really hasn't done too much to lower prices overall. You get what you pay for, there is no free lunch! Those investments in the network have to be paid for. I wish Sprint and T-Mobile had merged a while back.
  23. Whoah.... ! I used to deal a lot with Global Crossing back in the day. Sprint might want to absorb Level 3 for its metro fiber loops, if they want to offer wireless broadband.
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