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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. restructuring your debt does not mean that you don't pay the debt but you may pay it over longer time period so the amount per year is less. Unless course you declare Chapter 11. Then some of your unsecured creditors might take a haircut.
  2. Sprint if they don't merge will be a distant 4th in revenue and also a distant 4th in the amount it can invest in its network.
  3. No to mention the fact that Sprint has like 200 different SIMs. Never understood that. Their back end software must really suck.
  4. My last 5 speed tests: 42.1/7.51, 54.2/7.08, 35.4/6.01, 44.1/7.33, 47.9/7.68. Not bad at all!
  5. I don't know what they did but I am getting 35-44Mbps out of my MB where as I was getting 5-10 before. Another carrier perhaps?
  6. BYOD is finally here for spectrum mobile. I added another line with a 6s. I don't see BYOD on their website, I was in their store to turn in a cable modem and I asked them about it. They had just gotten their BYOD SIM cards yesterday. 6s is the oldest iPhone they will accommodate because of VOLTE.
  7. They could have merged with a few other independents like C-Spire. Or I wish that Sprint would have merged with Leap, Metro, US Cellular, Allttel, C-spire and a few other rural carriers instead of Nextel.
  8. Just remember that Congress has no say in this merger, the administration does. I mean they can talk but they don't get to approve or turn down the merger. The fault for stopping the clock lies with T-Mobile and to a lesser degree with Sprint. They keep on adding documentation to support their case which then prompts the FCC to stop the clock for public comment. In the end the public comments don't really make a bit of difference. The professionals at the FCC and DOJ have to cross their t's and dot their i's in support of or in opposition to the merger.
  9. T-Mobile has touted the fixed broadband angle before, nothing new. They probably submitted a lot of deployment details in their filings which prompted the FCC to stop the clock.
  10. Yeah, I hope they spend their money tri-banding all their sites and thickening their coverage so they can deploy VOLTE.
  11. Although I believe that the merger will go through, what do you think should be Sprint's strategy going forward? Here are my suggestions: 1. Finish deploying triband to all of its footprint and deploy VOLTE throughout 2. Continue deployment of 5G on 2.5GHz spectrum 3. Obtain (lease) more 2.5Ghz spectrum from owners 4. Somehow partner with Comcast and Dish to deploy 600MHz spectrum for 5G 5. Somehow partner with Comcast and other cable cos to deploy dual band (2.5GHz, CBRS) strand mounted 5G mini macros
  12. I believe it because it will be one of the conditions for approving the merger.
  13. How many of the Clear sites are left to convert nationwide?
  14. It's exactly why Sprint and T-Mobile should merge. The size of their Capex individually cannot compete, together at least they are in the ball park. Also remember that Sprint let their Capex lapse and lag for a number of years. It has only picked up lately.
  15. There was a UMTS variant that ran on TDD made by IPWireless that I think it has since been absorbed. Now UMTS TDD is part of the standard.
  16. I am pretty sure that the merger will be approved by the FTC/FCC with some CYA conditions.
  17. No, I am talking about their TV Venture before then. You needed an external antenna and it was supposed to replace VHF and UHF over the air broadcast TV and cable networks. It was Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS) and Multichannel Distribution Service (MMDS) systems before becoming BRS.
  18. Want to correct some inaccuracies in this discussion: 1. Nextel did not have a lot of 2.5 GHz spectrum. Just 30MHz of BRS. Sprint through their failed Wireless TV venture that later became their failed fixed wireless venture owned the other 30MHz. But that BRS they got from Nextel came with a deployment mandate and that what brought forth Wimax. They could have chosen to implement UMTS on it but they did not. Clearwire leased the vast trove of EBS from educational institutions and the Catholic Church. 2. Sprint was a partner along with Cable companies in the first AWS auction. But they did not have money to deploy it and the cable cos sold it to Verizon for $4.4 B and the promise for cheap MVNO rates. Xfinity Mobile and Spectrum Mobile are their children of that sale.
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