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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. The most ever Dish will get is 32% of the company. Enough to cause trouble but no more than that.
  2. If it's used for mobile broadband then they need to just use it for hotspot duty or it becomes very expensive to deploy. The only way to have it done cheaply is in conjunction with the cable cos as strand mounted DAS, with the basestation logic back at the regular basestation. Again, that's a hell of a lot of bandwidth and they better have good uses for all that bandwidth. I like Dish's use for Clearwire's spectrum better because they will use it for fixed broadband and OTT video. It's probably why the cable cos that still own Clearwire spectrum will vote as a block with Sprint and against Dish. After all, Dish is a video competitor and may become a fixed broadband competitor as well.
  3. That's just Dish doing their due diligence. After that is completed then they may or may not do a formal offer.
  4. I order to do that they actually have to make a tender offer not just a press release.
  5. The copiers at Google/Samsung are working overtime .
  6. Average ERP is much lower than 50. 50 is max for pretty much a saturated sector.
  7. For CDMA it might be 50W. For a 5Mhz WCDMA channel: "The radiated power of base stations is dependent on the cell size, the services offered, the number of simultaneous radio connections and the distribution of handsets within the cell. Today, for compatibility calculations, one assumes a maximum effective radiated power (ERP) of 300 - 400 W. Here again the average radiated power is well below this maximum value." http://www.bakom.admin.ch/themen/technologie/01178/index.html?lang=en&download=NHzLpZeg7t,lnp6I0NTU042l2Z6ln1ad1IZn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6gpJCDdX12gmym162epYbg2c_JjKbNoKSn6A-- So let's say 50W per 1Mhz. For a 40MHz it is 50*40=2000W.
  8. At the conclusion of my current contract, I will go prepaid. aio wireless and T-Mobile's $30/month plan both sound good. I might just get both.
  9. I will double check your math, but from personal experience, I have never been able to get any indoor signal (when I lived in a house) from the repeaters (forget about the actual transmitters which are >60 miles), the repeaters being less than 12 km away on a 300ft mast. Had to have an outdoor antenna on a mast and even that was not enough. Gave up and signed up for cable.
  10. Usually those antennas are outside on the roof. Not too many of them on the inside. The only time you would have an interference problem is at the edge of Channel 51 coverage areas. I mean channel 51 transmitters are at 100,000 watts or more and we are worried about the less than .5 watts erp of a phone. You will have to hold the phone extremely close to that antenna before it interferes.
  11. Maybe at the basestation. The power envelopes and slope requirements are much smaller at the handsets. Javad was talking about 12db/MHz fliters. That's a pretty darn sharp filter.
  12. I guess I should have look at the spec sheet. Oops.... Don't worry, it will. Give them time.
  13. Have you heard of switch filter modules? There was a a lot of these companies that used to make switch filter modules for phones along with duplexer switches etc. The giant sucking sound you just heard is their business getting sucked out of them by the Qualcomm RF360 solution.
  14. You know that nowadays those filters are done on a chip level. You no longer need to have these huge capacitors and coils like when I went to school.
  15. USCC made 700Mhz band A work. Either they have no channel 51 anywhere in their footprint or they designed effective filters. Lightsquared plan would work for new devices. It would not work for already existing devices.
  16. I have long advocated for Sprint/Tmobile to start scooping 700Mhz lower A and bid for what is now channel 51 or whatever block it will be. Non optimal antennas have always been with us. I mean if you have PCS A and G or H spectrum you will not have three antennas each tuned to each band. You will have an antenna tuned to the midband. Same thing with cellular and SMR. At least on the handset side.
  17. This of course will be appealed, so don't hope for a quick resolution.
  18. He still can't get more than 26% of the vote. Do you think the cable cos are going to sell him their share, benefiting a competitor? Intel is also probably promised a certain number of intel based devices once they get their LTE modem out.
  19. I agree with you. Sprint needs more PCS spectrum. PCS H will definitely help somewhat.
  20. Sprint was trying to wash their hands of Clearwire, Clearwire was trying to sell spectrum (and nobody was biting). All of a sudden, Dish wants to buy Clearwire and the strategic partners in Clearwire (cable cos) freak out. If Sprint want to compete with the Big Two, they need scale. Otherwise, if they try to compete with T-Mobile, they will just kill each other. Sprint was talking to T-Mobile before the abortive AT&T attempt and they were talking to them before T-Mobile absorbed MetroPCS. You might not think that they should merge with them but Sprint is definitely interested.
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