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Everything posted by markjcc

  1. T-Mobile is not pushing people to Band 12, they are pushing to Band 4. Regardless, T-Mobile preformed poorly in a mall where they have their antennas installed. I also have a ZTE hotspot which has access to all the T-Mobile current bands even band 12, still piss poor slow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Band 12 is 5Mhz. This is tmobiles high band vs sprints high band. Band 4 vs 41. Fair comparison. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Does anyone know how to delete an inactive device in the activate a device page?
  4. Does the Karma GO remember your devices or will you have to keep signing on (which is good for sharing)
  5. Or John is acting like a poser acting all big and stuff to look good on the Press, when internally it's killing T-Mobile.
  6. I currently have a iPhone 6s on the iPhone forever leasing program, 1 line only.. Does anybody know if I can lease another phone for myself to switch back and forward to?
  7. Post-paid Sprint still works, All MVNO's should be blocked Except MC/MB
  8. Got my Karma Go! YAY This bad boy is AWESOME.. I've just upgraded to NeverStop! Sprint Spark capable too!
  9. Eh, I've seen worst. stuff like, "your phone doesn't support band 12" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Eh, T-Mobile and Sprint ball park around the same ping. It's however caused by how sprint and T-Mobile routes traffic stateside then back to Hawaii. If I tested Sprint and T-Mobile to a server in LA they would be hitting 90ms or so. But yeah, Sprint is kicking some ass. It's starting to become what the old sprint stood for. "The Now Network" Bonus; in b4 someone says I was deprioritized or throttled. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Same also on LTE, mate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Don't mind if I do. maybe I'll do a Verizon XLTE vs Spark/Plus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Testing the service, it looks like I'm pulling an average of 2Mbps on Netflix for 480P Now times that by 50 or even 100 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Mhm, Yeah I love T-Mobile and it's core but I don't like what John is doing.. He should have stopped with Music Freedom.. Atleast Music, Pandora each song is like what? 3-8Mb? Bursts of high-speed data. While as the new video service is a constant stream at 480P, Multiply that times a hundred in a given area. My data speeds was WAY faster before this Binge On mess started. Initially I thought Great they're implementing a throttle on video which SHOULD help with congestion, but then they've made streaming video free which does the opposite and now INTRODUCES more congestion. Numbers wise too, Where does T-Mobile make it's money if the $95 Plan user uses 30gigs While the 3GB user with Binge On uses 50Gigs
  15. And because more people will be streaming since it doesn't account for data usage. Congestion will occur costing T-Mobile even more money to erect new sites. If YouTube is added, why even pay more? I can get a kid a cheapo LG Leon with the 3GB package, Give him Netflix, Hulu and Youtube (Added soon) He uses 30Gigs from streaming cause it's free, where does T-Mobile make money from that? The higher tier packages wouldn't even matter anymore, Music streaming is free, Video streaming is free.. And here's the kicker, Now tether your tablets and laptops for free and you can also bingeon with those additional devices, WAY to suck even more bandwidth! As Marcelo stated, #cringeon Might even put satellite companies out of business such as Hugesnet, Cause now you can pay $30 for a T-Mobile Hotspot and bingeon the whole household! If too many things are free, where's the revenue?
  16. Yup, That one PM'd you the permit link What I'd like to see is native sprint coverage in Hana. I wonder why T-Mobile and sprint isn't there currently in the first place?
  17. I haven't seen any permits without roger so far. I would map, but I have an iOS device and I don't think you can map on that. I was at kaanapali beach hotel, was getting pretty good speeds on LTE on band 25, I only dropped to 1 bar of band 26 inside but outdoors was 1-3 bars fluctuating. The site by DT Flemmings, it's a Nextel build.. There's a permit for a conversion to 800, 1900 and 2500. I'm also almost positive they'll convert that WiMAX site on Dairy Road. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. There's two sites lit with 800, 1900 LTE one is near Aston and one is near some store. However there's now permits rolling in for a 2.5 conversion there. No idea what happened to our permit guy TechSmurf but I guess I'll be the guy who keeps track now of permits Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I also emailed John about the slow speeds and overall congestion throughout any time of the day unless it's like 12. This was 7 Months ago, no improvements so far. While I can go to Kehei or Lahaina and start pulling 40Mbps
  20. Well atleast here I can post my slow speedtest's without getting it downvoted by the magentianites on reddit Even if it's a VALID problem, the magentianites will trash it, While they have no problem going to the Sprint subreddit and trashing them on their congestion issues also
  21. Nah man T-Mobile is the best company in da world look at these blazing speeds m9 /sarcasm LTE was disabled on the iPhone 6s, Sprint Plus/Spark would have humiliated T-Mo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. What sort of backwards congestion is this! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Does anybody know the SKU #/ Part number for the SIM for this device?
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