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Everything posted by AirlineFlyer

  1. Also haven't yet seen the new design in the wild. The oDAS build in NYC is quite weird, too. One was just put up by Crown Castle NG by me after being reserved in 2016. Another is in progress (but taking months) and proposed in 2019. It just seems so random. Too bad we can't truly tell which is used by which carrier.
  2. There's another T-Mobile site in Fort Greene that looks like a small cell. It has been around and untouched for many years and only manages to pump out about 5 Mbps. Sites like this have got to go.
  3. There are tons of these types of installs throughout NYC, I've just never seen it integrated directly into a new build like this. It's very smart.
  4. That's super interesting, I hadn't noticed that before. It looks like the vzw antennas are integrated right into the exterior wall of the building. That is super cool. https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6879694,-73.978504,3a,15y,260.61h,127.91t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6EcJxy751hetyHGJxQTV7A!2e0!5s20201101T000000!7i16384!8i8192
  5. Yes, hi, hello. That was my post. This sure seems like a place to post for some more knowledgable info. I took that speedtest standing across the street from eNB 50319. It is one of those weird T-Mobile NYC sites that only has 2/66/12 LTE and had LAA-LTE and mmWave installed a few years ago but never got n71 or n41. I was really disappointed to see mmWave pumping out under 500 Mbps since LAA-LTE can achieve that without mmWave. This has been increasingly disappointing for me with T-Mobile in recent years. There are huge areas being built up in LIC, Hunters Point South, Greenpoint etc and T-Mobile is seriously going to abandon Sites like the Greenpoint location? What are they thinking??
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