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Everything posted by AirlineFlyer

  1. Did you mean a different site? eNB ID 112039 has been around for years. Streetview even has it with C-band back in 2022 - https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7303042,-73.9610924,3a,24.1y,18.03h,109.66t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s2ossx06yU56AYOzREdcK-g!2e0!5s20220201T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D2ossx06yU56AYOzREdcK-g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D18.027734930682684%26pitch%3D-19.664180274382204%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu Meanwhile, Verizon's eNB 84484 in Fort Greene has been updated to include C-band and CBRS, but not mmWave. I've seen this a few times now on updated Verizon sites where it's just the CBRS antenna on its own, not in a shroud and without mmWave. Odd.
  2. Exactly, I was between Montague and Pierrepont. Not great, but better than a few years ago where T-Mobile was a total dead area on the promenade and directly around the new site in BBP.
  3. Not seeing very impressive speeds from this site nearby on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade yesterday.
  4. The Verizon site right outside the Barclay Center has finally been upgraded with C-band. Quite a funky antenna addition on the right there, too.
  5. Spotted a very interesting new built AT&T site in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill today at Myrtle and Vanderbilt. It’s a new four-sector site with C-band where the antenna array is located on one building and the equipment is on another building, using a cable raceway to pass over the top of the sandwiched building. Can’t say I’ve seen this before. AT&T must be abandoning eNB 111353 as it’s just two blocks away and hasn’t received any recent upgrades. Verizon is across the street with the works, as it a LinkNYC 5G tower. T-Mobile eNB 40136 is three blocks away and also hasn’t been upgraded in ages, maybe due to the antenna concealment. Though 40139 is diagonally down the avenue on Willoughby with the works.
  6. I reached out to a T-Mobile engineer and received this info: "I have followed up with the Region team handling this project and they have been working with the vendor on troubleshooting an issue with the vendors equipment which is causing a degradation in service. The reason for having a signal and then not having a signal is due to locking the specific area in order to make the necessary repairs. They are working on getting this resolved with the vendor, I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you and appreciate your patience with this process. Continue to reach out if the problem continues to persist a week or two from now. " TL;DR it's broken and they're working on fixing it
  7. Extremely disappointing that T-Mobile still can’t get its service in the Brooklyn LIRR tunnels fully working. Only the small section between Atlantic Terminal and Nostrand Ave is online. The longer stretch from Jamaica to the viaduct is still not online. Verizon LTE T-Mobile in the working section
  8. Weird. Isn't T-Mobile already on another monopole like two blocks away?
  9. Wow, it’s finally happening. I switched to Verizon two years ago after getting fed up for the last time in this area when my iPhone ended up on GPRS out in the open. Absurd. Glad it’s getting patched finally.
  10. Looks like oDAS franchises other than Verizon are putting identification stickers on their new gen units.
  11. Did T-Moible finally get its DAS system turned up in the LIRR tunnels? It has been literally years behind Verizon in getting this done and I've been pestering the NY Engineering & Ops director about it. It was supposed to go online in 2020, then 2021, then November 2022, then March 2023, then April, and last week he said finally it would be online end of this week. Can anyone confirm that its online through the whole tunnel?
  12. Seeing a bunch of Verizon oDAS nodes pop up in Fort Greene in the last few weeks. Some are in great locations, others are extremely puzzling. Two Verizon nodes are within direct line of sight to macro sites that already provided multi-gigabit mmWave coverage at their location. No idea why Verizon is doing that.
  13. Looking forward to an updated map. Do you know to what degree Dish is using small cell/oDAS in NYC?
  14. Wow. Can you share the map so I can take a closer look. Though that looks reallll sparse in SI and Queens.
  15. Starting to see more Verizon owned oDAS nodes appear and it’s great. New one on DeKalb Ave in Fort Greene pumping out 3+ Gbps mmWave in a spot that previously has decent but not great service. T-Mobile is quite weak here, though.
  16. Finally, an actually foolproof to identify the carrier of an NYC oDAS unit!
  17. Finally came across a new oDAS node that I can confirm is actually online and is even a different color. This one was put up by Verizon by the Brooklyn Costco and appears to have mmWave online. I don't think I was within range of any macro to get that mmWave signal from.
  18. Another new Dish site going up in Brooklyn. I’m able to see it out my window and watched it go from nothing to a full sector with antenna up today. Corner of Myrtle Av and Ashland Pl with Tmo and vzw. I see no work permits for the building (218 Myrtle Ave) so that's odd.
  19. VoNR officially launched in NYC: https://www.t-mobile.com/news/network/t-mobile-advances-5g-standalone-to-deliver-faster-speeds-and-enhanced-performance
  20. If anyone rides LIRR to/from Atlantic Terminal, I have an update on the (very) long awaited cell service in the tunnels. Verizon has had service up and running for over a year but T-Mobile hasn't turned on anything yet. "The MTA had requested we move the backhaul room to a different location. The team has done that and has submitted to our vendor that we are complete. Vendor is schedule to deliver backhaul to 2 locations (1 for each Tunnel) the latest timeline for each is as follows: Jamaica to Atlantic Tunnel – Backhaul vendor is delivering our circuit by 2/28. At that time we will integrate and have service for March Atlantic to Jamaica Tunnel – We have completed the construction work. We encounter delays with construction crews. The backhaul vendor has given a date of April to complete their work. We then will be in service in April sometime. I apologize for this project taking longer than anticipated unfortunately we encountered delays beyond our control."
  21. Ah, that big red and white tower by JFK. Looking at streetview it looks like it was converted from Clearwire to Sprint in July 2018 And it def looks like T-Mobile now
  22. So it has been that way since at least 2020. I guess the franchises don’t get out there and inspect these things very often, if even monitor for degraded performance. That’s disappointing.
  23. Spotted another damaged oDAS antenna on 5th Ave and Dean St in Brooklyn. Not sure which carrier it belongs to but I emailed the extenet NOC and they replied within minutes with a ticket opened. This is right by Barclays Center and probably happened as the scaffolding around the adjacent building came down after seemingly a decade
  24. Hey wow, a new Verizon macro site in Downtown Brooklyn! It’s sandwiched between Flatbush Ave Ext and Fleet Pl, and Myrtle Ave and Willoughby St. It’s just two blocks south and one block west of existing sites, but will still fill in a weak spot around City Point on Flatbush and hopefully boosts coverage inside the complex. Installation still ongoing but it looks like the typical LTE/NR antenna, c-band, and mmWave/CBRS to be shrouded. Very good for me since this is basically across the street from my apartment.
  25. As if the city needed more stuff to strap/mount/bolt/hide cellular antenna on to, now MTA is getting in on the action at station entrances by hiding antennas inside the globes of stairways. Those globes aren't exactly very high up so I'm really interested to if anyone ever utilizes this idea.
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